Providing the right temperature for each step of the process, whether it is cheese or milk powder, is crucial for the product quality. Thanks to GEA’s intelligent plant & compressor control systems and highly efficient compressors, accurate cooling is ensured. During the processing of hard cheese for example, there are five different phases that require specialized cooling and conditioning, at specific temperatures:
In the first two phases, ice water at steady flow temperatures of +0.5/1.0°C or cold water at +2°C are required. During the pressing & ripening of the cheese we need to provide chilled water at a temperature between 6-10°C. At the same time, specialized rooms for ripening and storage must be conditioned at the right temperatures. As mentioned above, three water flows require different temperatures. By adapting the water temperatures close to the required product temperatures, our customers can save on energy costs.
GEA’s V-series piston compressors prove their added value by demonstrating an amazing COP efficiency especially when in part load. Thanks to its unique ´in-time-visualized´ maintenance control monitor, there is real-time access to all main parameters that precisely indicate when service is required. This constant monitoring has a positive effect on the reliability of the installation and saves money on periodic maintenance. At the same time energy efficiency and sustainability are addressed, thanks to the use of natural refrigerants.
Related to the dairy cooling process, GEA also has its eye on “green” savings by installing industrial heat pumps. By identifying in which processes waste heat can be recovered and diverted to other processes like pasteurization, coagulation & de-whey or cleaning, we help customers work toward achievement of their sustainability goals and save money in the process. GEA’s ambition is to work with our customers to tailor environmentally sound, sustainable and highly efficient solutions to meet every requirement.
Aurivo, Ireland’s second largest liquid milk processor, has cut CO2 emissions at its Killygordon site by 80%, thanks to GEA’s integrated milk processing and refrigeration & heat pump system.
The CICL ice cream factory in Sri Lanka, one of Asia’s most modern ice cream factories, confirms its continued cool success with GEA refrigeration system years after installation.
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The chillers of this series are characterized by great part-load efficiency.
CE certified.
First class electronic monitoring based on proven developments.
The intuitive touch for machine control technology.
GEA’s innovative control & monitoring solutions provide capabilities to control production processes, maximize efficiency and reduce system downtime.
Heat pumps for decarbonizing process and district heating
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
Climate change and a growing world population put increased pressure on the energy-intensive food industry to feed more people without further impacting the planet. George Shepherd, GEA’s Global Technical Sustainability Manager, explains how GEA uses its engineering know-how to help processors produce more sustainably yet increase productivity.