Wide variety of tasks, always the right solution

Swing Bend Panel Solutions

Piping Solution
In piping systems with GEA swing bend panels, media distribution is performed via pipe bends and valves (generally butterfly valves). In this case, the operators must have good knowledge of the process in order to avoid errors.

Conventional piping

Panels Piping Solutions

Valve blocks, pipe fences, and panels are used in fermentation and maturation areas. The piping systems are assigned to specific tank lines and supply them with media.

Factory prefabricated valve blocks, panels, and pipe fences ensure the distribution and regulation of gases and liquids within the production process.

GEA Insights

Scrambled egg made with egg altnerative

On the menu: more sustainable eggs

GEA helps customers test and scale alternative egg products and ingredients made with precision fermentation.

Decarbonizing processes with industrial heat pumps

When it comes to improving the health of the planet, GEA takes a leading role. As one of our sustainability-focused strategic objectives, we are forging a path to help our customers across myriad industries to reduce energy use...

GEA center of excellence on olive oil

Building resilience into the olive oil industry

Learn how GEA supports the olive oil industry in times of climate change and sustainably improves the profitability of producers with innovative technologies.

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