Cooling, quenching & conditioning

The Rapid Cooling or Quenching of gas streams is used in several essential applications in the process industries.

GEA technology is the standard in gas cleaning plants of the global players. Together with the world market leaders, we continue to develop our technology to always stay competitive.

Our portfolio includes a series of cooling and quench solutions, which can also be combined depending on the application. 

A Quench Tower or a hot gas Quench System is often the first step in conditioning a high-temperature and polluted air stream so that particulate, acid gases, metals, and other emissions can be appropriately removed. 

GEA offers various cooling and conditioning units:

  • Gas conditioning tower (Evaporative gas cooler)
  • Quench cooler
  • Hot gas quench system
  • Packed column cooler

GEA Insights

GEA helps dairy cows avoid lameness with AI solution

GEA minimizes dairy cow lameness with AI solution

GEA CattleEye alerts dairy farmers when cows are lame, enabling them to address health issues quickly to ensures optimal cow health and milk yield.

Clothes recycled by GEA

GEA solutions enable fiber-to-fiber recycling of textiles

Chemical recycling solutions from GEA allow mixed fiber textiles with PET to be recycled and made into new sustainable clothing.

GEA employees - separation

Separate from the rest

The story of the GEA centrifuge begins in 1893, when Franz Ramesohl and Franz Schmidt began production of their patented mechanical milk separator, paving the way for modern dairy processing. The innovation helped overcome a...

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