Filling Lines – Aseptic
Specifically designed for the dairy industry, Whitebloc Aseptic is the ideal solution for the aseptic bottling of products in HDPE and PET containers.
During the dosing phase, the internal and external surfaces of the bottles are sprayed with an H2O2 solution. In a subsequent carrousel, the bottles are flushed by hot, sterile air – to activate the H2O2 – which also provides a purging action and ensures a final residual peroxide level of less than 0.5 ppm. No water rinsing is required.
Maximum sterilization efficiency is ensured by carefully analyzing and monitoring the critical control points. A ‘Smart Sensor’ compares the force and the spray angle of the sterilant jet in real-time with a pre-calibrated value to confirm that each surface of every bottle is properly treated.
When handling HDPE bottles, the Whitebloc Aseptic is supplied in a standalone configuration that receives bottles from air conveyors. For PET bottles, it is combined with a traditional blowing machine and equipped with a dedicated temperature holding system that’s positioned between the blower and the treatment carrousel. This ensures that, during the dosing phase, an ideal temperature profile is provided for the bottles.
Filling and capping are performed inside a microbiological isolator that guarantees a high level of hygiene, owing to an overpressure of sterile air that prevents contamination after the H2O2 treatment. All surfaces in the microbiological isolator zone are designed to be accessible and very easy to clean.
• Versatile production: the Whitebloc Aseptic is ideal for a wide range of applications, including both high and low acid products, PET and HDPE bottles, flat and sport caps as well as foil aluminum closures
• No need for water rinsing after sterilization allows water saving
• Production flexibility thanks to an automatic bottle changeover
• Easy to use and manage: low maintenance (no moving parts or valves on the two treatment carrousels) and less wear and tear
• Compact design
VHP sterilization treatment with penetrating nozzle ensures a B.atrophaeus reduction of up to 6 log for both PET and HDPE containers. Whitebloc Aseptic is capable of production speeds of up to 48.000 bottles per hour on 500 ml bottle and allows a line availability of 165 hours without the need for intermediate COP and SOP cycles during production.
Sterilcap VHP R is a cap sterilization unit that’s integrated into the Whitebloc aseptic filling bloc. It can handle different cap sizes or even switch from a flat cap to a sports cap (and vice versa). Offering fast, sterile and intervention-free changeovers, it features a rotary cap buffer that — when matched with blow-fill technology — allows the bloc to be emptied with no loss of preforms or bottles. GEA’s VHP-based sterilization technologies ensure an effective and gentle closure treatment that uses no water during production.
A VHP-based technology to safeguard the effective sterilization of aluminum foil closures can be integrated within the microbiological isolation area of the machine.
With Sterilfoil VHP L, it’s also possible to handle and sterilize aluminium foil closures for HDPE or PET bottles. Sterilfoil is a simple, linear system that’s mounted on top of the capping area and integrated within the microbiological isolation area of the machine.
The system uses vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP) technology to provide a highly effective microbiological sterilization solution for aluminum foil caps.
FDA-validated Modulbloc technology is a smart solution for low/medium-speed filling lines. It’s suitable for both HA and LA beverages, can reach production speeds of up to 18,000 bottles per hour on 500 ml bottles and allows a line availability of 165 hours without the need for intermediate SOP cycles during production.
Suitable for both high and low acid operations, the ABF 2.0 combines an aseptic blow molding machine with aseptic filler and capper modules, and features a hydrogen peroxide-based sterilization technology for preforms leaving the oven and caps.
ECOSpin2 Zero is the seventh generation of GEA PAA-based aseptic filling blocs, a very compact system that comprises a rotary sterilizer, filler and capper enclosed in a microbiological isolator. FDA-approved, ECOSpin2 Zero is equipped with all the necessary process units to produce sterile water and a PAA solution, and filter all the process flu...
Discover GEA Service with three levels of professional remote assistance for your beverage filling plants.
Order everything you need for optimal maintenance on your GEA filling and packaging lines, guaranteeing reliability and uptime.
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Discover GEA Smart Filling, a fully integrated, web/mobile app platform where you can find answers to all your service needs.
Protect the operation of your aseptic beverage plant and safeguard the final quality of your product by safely controlling the risks regarding every process parameter of an aseptic filling system.
GEA Aseptic Smart Doser
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