Filling Lines – ESL

GEA Aerobloc Filling System Fresh

A hygienic filling system for fresh, sensitive, cold-chain distribution beverages in plastic bottles.

Detail of the Fillstar DX Aero filling module, targeting frequent product changeover applications and small batch production runs.

Detail of the Fillstar DX Aero filling module, targeting frequent product changeover applications and small batch production runs.

The versatility of the modular platform facilitates the implementation of dedicated configurations for the hygienic filling of milk and sensitive beverages with a short shelf-life - intended for cold-chain distribution - without requiring any container decontamination.

Targeting frequent product changeover applications and small batch production runs, the GEA Aerobloc Filling System Fresh is designed for low and medium speed outputs using PET and HDPE containers.

The GEA Aerobloc Fresh comprises the Fillstar DX Aero filling module that, depending on the specific requirements of the product and container material, can be equipped with a variety of different modules, including

  • a PET stretch-blow molding unit directly connected to the filler 
  • an air rinser module for standalone applications
  • a neck trimmer for HDPE containers.

Product filling occurs in a hygienic cabin featuring a top-down laminar flow of sterile air to maintain a slight overpressure. This ensures a clean and protected environment.

The GEA Fillstar DX Aero filling module can be equipped with a load cell (weight filling) or flow meter (volumetric filling) to meet the various requirements of the liquid dairy product market.

Thanks to an efficient recovery system, product waste is minimal during the start-up production cycle, at the end of production and during product changeover.

Suitable for fast product and format changeover operations, the GEA Aerobloc Fresh can either integrate customer cleaning fluids utilization or accommodate an embedded cleaning process unit integrated in the compact layout.

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