Machine composed of a conveying belt that brings product inside a cooking tank containing heated water, with the possibility to regulate it. Used to cook and increase product humidity.
Machine structure consists of an isolated tank that contains cooking water, inclined on a specific point for complete drain. A top thermal panel isolated is equipped with extraction hoods on both sides.
Water is brought to the right temperature thanks to the heating system which operates using an external heat exchanger steam/water, controlled through modulating valve managed via PLC.
The cooking water is recirculated through a pump that distributes it on the whole belt surface through a regulating spray system. Possibility to have the cooking zone block (to remove superficial starch) integrated on the cooker.
The level of cooking water is maintained thanks to PLC.
It is possible to use a counter-belt equipped with flights to maintain the floating products in immersion and ensure a more efficient cooking.
The adjustable jets prevent product stickiness and maintain the water temperature constant on the whole machine width and length (+/- 1°C).
In order to regulate product cooking, it is possible to modify:
The CF Water cooker opening happens through an automated multilayer system, which allows the belts to distance themselves from the panel, giving maximum accessibility for the washing process.
Panel and belts lifting system facilitates the accessibility during the washing phase. In order to ease the washing process, the CF features a stainless-steel structure and rinsing ramps to reduce machine washing time. The entire structure is designed to guarantee high accessibility and facilitate the washing operations, avoiding product stagnation.
Water level is controlled through PLC, positioned with a valve that is controlled via PLC on the bottom of the tank, allowing to continuously remove the starch deposit on the bottom.
Machine performance:
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
Climate change and a growing world population put increased pressure on the energy-intensive food industry to feed more people without further impacting the planet. George Shepherd, GEA’s Global Technical Sustainability Manager, explains how GEA uses its engineering know-how to help processors produce more sustainably yet increase productivity.