Advancing pharmaceutical processing, transforming the future, saving lives
Transforming the way the Pharmaceutical Industry makes Tablets (courtesy of Pfizer)

Transforming the way the Pharmaceutical Industry makes Tablets (courtesy of Pfizer)

Portable pharmaceutical  production facilities delivers medicines to patients faster (courtsey of Pfizer)

Portable pharmaceutical production facilities delivers medicines to patients faster (courtsey of Pfizer)

GEA’s ConsiGma CDC at MSD, Cramlington, UK (courtesy of MSD)

GEA’s ConsiGma CDC at MSD, Cramlington, UK (courtesy of MSD)

Shortening manufacturing processes and reducing variability are key factors in enabling clinical trials to progress and could drastically speed up the delivery of life-changing treatments to patients around the world.”– Pfizer spokesperson

– Pfizer spokesperson

First-of-a-kind system offers many benefits (courtesy of Pfizer)

First-of-a-kind system offers many benefits (courtesy of Pfizer)

The benefits of CM

The Benefits of continuous manufacturing

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