Accompanying the game-changers in the growing algae industry
Algae Microalgae Detail
Cross-section view of a GEA separator showing liquid flow pattern, including discharge system.

Cross-section view of a GEA separator showing liquid flow pattern, including discharge system.

Algae Spirulina porridge

Being able to partner customers early on is critical when it comes to developing algae harvesting processes, particularly given the demands to drive down production and per unit costs.”- Alexander Piek, Application Manager - Separation, Algae, GEA Renewables

- Alexander Piek, Application Manager - Separation, Algae, GEA Renewables

 Tubular photobioreactors produce microalgae at the SABANA R&D demonstration plant, IFAPA research center, Almeria, Spain. Courtesy: SABANA

Tubular photobioreactors produce microalgae at the SABANA R&D demonstration plant, IFAPA research center, Almeria, Spain. Courtesy: SABANA

Algae as biofuel – was it just a dream?

Algae as biofuel – was it just a dream?

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