Considered an environmental problem today, PET plastic could well be tomorrow’s solution
Environmental impact of drink packaging
recycled PET

PET does the best job of ensuring their safety and nutritional integrity, while minimizing food waste, which is actually a critical environmental issue.”– Dr. Barbara Bricoli, Innovation Manager, Liquid and Filling Technologies at GEA

– Dr. Barbara Bricoli, Innovation Manager, Liquid and Filling Technologies at GEA

Food waste
Considered an environmental problem today, PET plastic could well be tomorrow’s solution
recycled PET

PET is only a problem if people regard it as a cheap throw-away instead of the valuable resource it actually is.”– Dr. Barbara Bricoli, Innovation Manager, Liquid and Filling Technologies at GEA

– Dr. Barbara Bricoli, Innovation Manager, Liquid and Filling Technologies at GEA

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