Supporting the visionaries of sustainable milk production
Supporting the visionaries of sustainable milk production

The South West Dairy Development Centre, Somerset, UK, which runs a 180-cow dairy set-up owned by Agri-EPI Centre. Courtesy: Farmers Weekly

Supporting the visionaries of sustainable milk production

The automated GEA MixFeeder docked for filling at a GEA Feed Bunker, Agri-EPI Centre’s South West Dairy Development Centre, Somerset, UK. Courtesy: Agri-EPI Centre

Supporting the visionaries of sustainable milk production

The GEA MixFeeder delivers the precise amount of fresh feed up to 17 times per day, Agri-EPI Centre’s South West Dairy Development Centre, Somerset, UK. Courtesy: Agri-EPI Centre

Combined, GEA’s Feed Bunker and MixFeeder technology provide farmers with unprecedented feeding accuracy and time savings. Because this solution requires a smaller footprint than a tractor and feed wagon, farmers can build smaller barns – reducing their building costs – and save on energy costs. Precise feeding means healthier cows, better yields and less wastage. - David Simmons, Head of Milking & Dairy Farming Sales – UK, GEA

- David Simmons, Head of Milking & Dairy Farming Sales – UK, GEA

Supporting the visionaries of sustainable milk production

Dairy cows are able to move easily between the feeding, lounging and milking zones, Agri-EPI Centre’s South West Dairy Development Centre, Somerset, UK.

Technology and automation have a big role to play in dairy farming and in improving both animal and people welfare. We have the challenge of keeping existing talent in the dairy industry while also attracting new blood; we need to ensure this is a sector where the next generation wants to work.- Duncan Forbes, Head of Dairy, Agri-EPI Centre

- Duncan Forbes, Head of Dairy, Agri-EPI Centre

When looking for partners, we chose companies and organizations like GEA that understand what we’re trying to achieve at SWDDC. We want partners that engage with us in an innovative and off-plan way so that we can further develop and improve the cow’s environment.- Duncan Forbes, Head of Dairy, Agri-EPI Centre

- Duncan Forbes, Head of Dairy, Agri-EPI Centre

Supporting the visionaries of sustainable milk production

GEA helps dairy farmers future-proof their operations

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