Experience excellence in Fresh Pasta production with GEA cutting-edge equipment and boost your pasta manufacturing process.
Thanks to an integrated and highly specialized supply chain, GEA offers outstanding engineering services tailored to clients' requirements, combining technology, flexibility, and reliability under one roof. Our technological solutions are characterized by exceptionally creative and personalized projects. In today's food industry, excellence is measured not only by product taste but also by a company's ability to innovate and meet customers' continuous demand for new, more efficient, and profitable solutions.
At GEA, we take care of every production phases, striving to transform each piece of machinery into an innovative technological solution that delivers outstanding results in terms of quality, energy efficiency, and production capacity. In our pursuit of excellence, we prioritize accessibility for cleaning, a fundamental consideration reflected in the design of our machines. Constructed from stainless steel for superior cleaning and durability, our machines are engineered to facilitate material flow, preventing stagnation.
Transform your pasta production facility with GEA's cutting-edge machinery designed for unparalleled performance and efficiency. Inside our brochure, you'll find detailed specifications and performance metrics for each machine, guiding you towards optimal decision-making and enhanced productivity.
GEA's state-of-the-art mixing machines are equipped with a premixer, meticulously distributing water, eggs, flour, and semolina for superior dough quality. With minimized heating and mixing times of at least 12 minutes, our technology ensures the development of an optimal gluten matrix, enhancing pasta elasticity and overall quality.
For precise ingredient control, GEA's fresh pasta machines utilize advanced flowmeters, guaranteeing accuracy in dosing and weighing ingredients and fillings. Additionally, our compensating system, integrated across all forming machines, maintains consistent pressure throughout the forming phases, ensuring high-quality fillings with every batch.
Whether it is hard or soft, GEA pumps allow the management of every kind of filling, both for single and double sheet products. Our solutions maintain the quality of fillings, guaranteeing high forming speeds and avoiding product accumulation and production stops.
The HE acronym (High Efficiency) identifies thermal treatment machines specifically enhanced to reduce energy waste and footprint while improving the washing phase. High efficiency doesn't just mean energy saving; it also translates to time savings and increased productivity, impacting product quality and costs positively.
At GEA, we're dedicated to advancing fresh pasta projects.
We specialize in customizing production processes, analyzing ingredients, creating new pasta types, and conducting product testing. Contact our team at GEA to boost your fresh pasta production.
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La tecnología desarrollada por GEA permite fabricar pastas de buena calidad con todo tipo de harinas para preparar una masa de calidad superior. En el tanque de mezclado, las paletas de rotación lenta mezclan los ingredientes hasta que se logra una hidratación óptima y la masa está lista para un fiable proceso de laminación.
Las bombas de llenado GEA están diseñadas para adaptarse a todo tipo de rellenos: duros, medianamente blandos, pero también líquidos, o rellenos con trozos, garantizando una dosificación precisa del llenado para los productos finales de nuestros clientes.
Líneas que aprovechan el agua calentada para cocinar el producto sumergido procedente de la fase anterior del proceso. Las líneas incluyen máquinas de refrigeración y lavado antes de preparar el producto para el envasado.
Nuestra tecnología permite producir todas las formas típicas de la pasta con una máquina de formado de alta velocidad, con cambio rápido de matriz y lavado completo. Son adecuadas para producir productos acabados de una o dos láminas con rellenos duros y blandos, gracias a la combinación de diferentes bombas de relleno: de paleta, de tornillo o l...
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