Trade press release

GEA supplies modern refrigeration technology for Europe’s most efficient cold store from Magnavale

14 Dec 2023

Photo 1: Magnavale, one of the UK’s leading cold storage providers, is building a 47-meters high cold store with a capacity of 101,000 pallets in Easton Lincolnshire in the East of England. The facility will be fully automated and powered 100% by renewable energy. (Photo: Magnavale)

Magnavale, one of the UK’s leading cold storage providers, is building a 47-meters high cold store with a capacity of 101,000 pallets in Easton Lincolnshire in the East of England. The facility will be fully automated and powered 100% by renewable energy. (Photo: Magnavale)

Photo 2: A look inside the GEA machinery room. (Photo: Magnavale)

A look inside the GEA machinery room. (Photo: Magnavale)

Photo 3: The photo shows the rear of the high-bay warehouse, where the evaporators are standing on a rack 40 meters above the ground at the time of the photo shoot. These were lifted up by crane a few weeks later. The adjacent building shows the three condensers on the roof of the GEA machine room (Photo: Magnavale).

The photo shows the rear of the high-bay warehouse, where the evaporators are standing on a rack 40 meters above the ground at the time of the photo shoot. These were lifted up by crane a few weeks later. The adjacent building shows the three condensers on the roof of the GEA machine room (Photo: Magnavale).


Dr. Michael Golek

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GEA es uno de los mayores proveedores para la industria alimentaria y para muchos otros sectores de la industria. En 2019 generó unos ingresos consolidados de 4.900 millones de euros aproximadamente.

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