Continuous Tableting Lines

At GEA we believe that continuous processing improves the quality of pharmaceutical end products: by focusing on quality during the whole product life-cycle, not just “tested in” quality; and by understanding the capability of your processes, managing sources of variability and decreasing any associated risks.

Our solution for continuous tableting lines is ConsiGma®, a 6 sigma-inspired manufacturing platform, incorporating different technologies to produce oral solid dosage forms in a continuous, cost-efficient way:


  • by collecting more information during R&D phase, in a short time with less product
  • by excluding risky, time- and product consuming scale-up exercises
  • by introducing online measurement and closed loop control targeting real-time release (6 sigma production)
  • by incorporating flexible batch size (JIT production), reducing inventory
  • by reducing the energy cost per tablet, reducing environmental impact. 


GEA Insights

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Empleados de GEA - separación

Diferenciarse del resto

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