3-Phase decanters are widely used when processing by-products from fish. They are installed for the whole fish process, the 3-Phase process, for the recovery of protein hydrolyzate or the treatment of canning wash water. In the animal by-products industry they are used for the processing of extraction residues in gelatin production, flotation sludge treatment and wet rendering.
With this new decanter platform GEA has now combined the demands for high mechanical and sanitary reliability as well as the wish for maximum flexibility for investment and practical operation. The result: GEA offers an entire decanter family in a uniform design concept from the smallest right through to the largest decanter, ranging from the drive to the identical pedestal bearing principle. The advantage for the user, operating personnel and spare part maintenance: uniformity across the board. Nonetheless, due to its modular principle every decanter can be customized right down to the smallest detail: Low or high torque, flat or steep conical angle, low or high differential speed, hot or normal operation, oil or grease lubrication, special alloys for corrosion and erosion resistance or hygienic design with rotating feed pipes, spray nozzles and food grade materials.
Procédés rapides et propres, rendements élevés et excellente qualité du produit : nos clients tirent de nombreux avantages de nos machines et lignes de procédé dans un vaste éventail d'applications différentes.
Even the best centrifuges cannot function optimally if they are not partnered with control systems of equal quality. For their range of separators and decanters, GEA offers standardized as well as tailor-made solutions for machine automation with many features to meet customer requirements.
Réparations correctives pour vos séparateurs et décanteurs GEA
Il n'est pas possible d’effectuer l’essai de réception en usine (ERU) de votre centrifugeuse sur le site à cause des restrictions aux voyages actuelles, d’un emploi du temps très chargé ou d’une autre raison urgente ? Vous avez l’habitude de toujours rechercher des manières de rendre vos processus métiers plus digitaux, de réduire considérablemen...
GEA Varipond C
Let’s get connected – digital solutions for GEA centrifuges
Let’s get connected – digital solutions for GEA separators and decanters
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
Le changement climatique et la croissance de la population mondiale exercent une pression accrue sur l’industrie alimentaire, grande consommatrice d’énergie, afin qu’elle nourrisse un plus grand nombre de personnes sans aggraver son impact sur la planète. George Shepherd, Global Technical Sustainability Manager de GEA, explique comment GEA met à profit son expertise en ingénierie pour aider les transformateurs à produire de manière plus durable tout en augmentant leur productivité.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.