For the recovery of olive, palm and other vegetable crude oil the decanter is always the heart of the installation.
This 3-Phase separation requires a comparably high amount of dilution water. In olive oil production GEA also offers 3-Phase decanters for treating the waste water from the olive oil recovery process. They reduce the volume of waste water and its COD value and the oil mill gains up to an additional 0.5 percent of oil relative to the quantity of olives processed. When it comes to the recovery of palm oil our 3-Phase decanters are used in the conventional as well as the crude oil process setups.
The big advantage of the 2-phase separating decanter for olive and palm oil recovery is the enormous savings when it comes to dilution water.
Les séparateurs à buses sont utilisés dans les procédés traditionnels qui utilisent des clarificateurs verticaux dans les huileries de palme. GEA propose aussi des séparateurs à buses spéciaux à l'industrie de l'huile de palme afin de récupérer l'huile contenue dans le condensat des stérilisateurs.
Even the best centrifuges cannot function optimally if they are not partnered with control systems of equal quality. For their range of separators and decanters, GEA offers standardized as well as tailor-made solutions for machine automation with many features to meet customer requirements.
Les séparateurs de polissage de GEA assurent la haute qualité requise pour les huiles d'olive, de palme et d'avocat, et de nombreuses autres huiles végétales récupérées, en éliminant tous les résidus tout en manipulant le produit avec un soin extrême.
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Stay stronger with GEA Service Level Agreements
To support community engagement, GEA offers employees one day of paid time off per year.
How do you lead a dairy farm into the next generation while ensuring a sustainable future and animal welfare while managing increasing complexity? This is a question almost every dairy farmer around the world must consider. The...
After reaching its Mission 26 targets two years early, GEA launches Mission 2030 strategy with focus on growth, value and making a positive impact.