GEA has been at the cutting edge of industrial compressor technology for decades. As part of our cooling and refrigeration technologies portfolio we offer state-of-the-art, future-proof and efficient compressors for all fields of industrial refrigeration and heating.
GEA offers a variety of modern compression solutions to fit every cooling and heating need. Our line of GEA Grasso compressors, including screw compressors, gas compressors, and reciprocating compressors, reliably delivers best-in-class performances for the following industries:
GEA Grasso compressors offer precise and constant maintenance of temperature levels, operating with reliable efficiency even at high evaporation temperatures. Their efficiency and precision, combined with the highest safety and quality standards, makes our compressors the ideal choice for any industrial application.
GEA offers the largest compressor program for industrial refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump applications. Since the end of the 19th century, it has been our business to cool processes and products, and to control the temperature of goods in transport. We’ve been excited about refrigeration for decades – our GEA Grasso compressors are the result of persistent research and development to optimize the performance of our screw, gas, and piston compressors.
Screw compressors are the tireless workhorses of industrial machinery. Durable and versatile, they are indispensable to the production capacity of a variety of industrial applications and processes. Robust design and low-maintenance construction make them ideal for heavy-duty industrial use, whether construction, aerospace, automotive, food packaging or many others.
Screw compressors compress refrigerant gas via the rotary movement of a set of rotors. Unlike piston compressors, which are equipped with valves, screw compressors are designed without valves, enabling them to work at particularly high shaft speeds without imbalances caused by volumetric or mechanical losses. Their high flow rate notwithstanding, they are distinguished by their compact measurements.
Our extensive portfolio of screw compressors is designed as much with a view to energy efficiency as to ease of maintenance. Unparalleled in terms of reliability and safety, any one of our GEA screw compressors is sure to fulfill your industrial refrigeration, heating, and air conditioning needs for years to come.
Our line of GEA Grasso compressors includes a range of top-of-the-line gas screw compressors, preferred by leading companies worldwide for their gas compression needs. Created with the benefit of decades of expertise, GEA gas screw compressors are key components in tens of thousands of oil & gas operations, whether in extraction, transport, collection, storage, or processing.
The advantages of GEA gas compressors speak for themselves: Both energy-efficient and low maintenance, our compressors are suited to a wide range of gases and can be custom designed according to different sets of guidelines. With their exceptionally high durability and availability in accordance with various international standards, our portfolio of gas compressors has been setting standards in gas turbine power plants, chemical processing as well as countless other industries worldwide.
Our range of reciprocating or piston compressors is the result of 160 years of excellence in compression engineering. Manufactured to exacting quality standards, our piston compressors are tried and tested in chemical as well as petrochemical applications, power plants and power supply alike.
Available in both, single- and two-stage execution and designed to fit customers’ requirements, our range of GEA Grasso reciprocating compressors consists of a total of 18 models, suited to a wide range of industrial heat pump and refrigeration applications. Their energy efficiency and maximum reliability makes them the compressors of choice for industry leaders worldwide.
Looking for the perfect compressor to suit your refrigeration needs? Try our GEA RTSelect Tool to learn more about your options.
GEA has been one of the world’s largest systems suppliers to the food, beverage and pharmaceutical sectors since 1881, supplying not only machinery but cutting-edge process technology and components as well as comprehensive services to customers around the globe. Our focus is on fueling sustainable and efficient production across industrial sectors.
With a wealth of experience and an extensive processing portfolio as well as a strong sense of purpose and responsibility, we believe in setting the highest standards for ourselves and supplying our customers with durable, quality systems solutions – no matter how heavy the conditions. From design to assembly, our products and services are tailored to our customers’ needs and designed to ensure the smooth running of your systems at all times.
Contact us now to learn more about our comprehensive compressor and service packages!
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Les compresseurs à vis GEA sont optimisés pour la compression des gaz naturels et industriels.
Compresseurs à pistons pour les applications de surgélation au CO2 et pompe à chaleur au NH3.
Avec le GEA CompaX, vous pouvez simplement tout avoir : un risque de fuites minimisé pour une climatisation sans risque, une solution à l’ammoniac garantissant un rendement maximal de l’installation et un environnement propre.
Now available for Vi control, condition monitoring and more for GEA Grasso screw compressors
Update your existing screw compressor packages
Augmente le rendement et améliore les caractéristiques de toute installation de réfrigération industrielle.
Les huiles de qualité premium pour la réfrigération à l'ammoniac PR-OLEO® sont des lubrifiants fortement raffinés obtenus par hydrocraquage en deux 2 étapes, spécialement formulés pour être utilisés dans les systèmes de réfrigération à l’ammoniac avec des compresseurs volumétriques alternatifs ou à vis.
Un complément appréciable pour votre système frigorifique. En éliminant l'eau du cycle de réfrigération, le déshydrateur d'ammoniac est le complément idéal de tout système frigorifique à l'ammoniac, à l'instar des filtres et purgeurs.
Le panneau tactile intuitif pour la commande des compresseurs à vis et à piston. Puissant et accessible. Cérébral et intuitif. Sophistiqué et simple. Tout simplement : GEA Omni.
Bienvenue dans le monde de la simplicité avec les Kits d’entretien GEA pour compresseurs à pistons. Notre mission est claire : rendre votre expérience des pièces de rechange d’origine ultra-satisfaisante et vos opérations plus fluides que jamais. Pour nous, « Jouez facile, utilisez un kit » n’est pas qu’un slogan : c’est une promesse que nous ten...
Ammonia: The what and how
Compressor Rebuild Services - N. America
Factory Overview - GEA North America
Lorsque le producteur de denrées alimentaires à base végétale sud-coréen Pulmuone a mis GEA au défi de moderniser ses nouilles froides traditionnelles, les « naengmyeon », les spécialistes R&D de GEA ont saisi la balle au bond. Ils ont aidé l’entreprise à développer un plat, qui est aujourd’hui une vraie réussite commerciale et dont la production consomme moins d’eau et d’électricité que les méthodes qui existaient auparavant. Le résultat est, par ailleurs, fidèle aux origines traditionnelles de ce plat et aux racines de Pulmuone, qui sont la santé, le bien-être et le développement durable.
Ce processus novateur signé GEA est une avancée de taille dans le prétraitement des biocarburants tels que les huiles végétales hydrotraitées et les carburants d’aviation durables. En éliminant le processus de blanchissement, les fabricants bénéficient d’économies potentielles substantielles : plus de 50 % de coûts d’exploitation en moins et jusqu’à 12 % d’émissions de CO<sub>2</sub> toujours en moins.