

For manufacturers in the dairy, food, beverage and pharma industries, the flexibility and reliability of your processing equipment are paramount. Meet GEA VARIVENT®, the industry-leading modular valve system that delivers unmatched customization, efficiency, and sustainability.
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Recover the value - Reduce the waste: GEA VARICOVER Product Recovery System


Recover the value - Reduce the waste: GEA VARICOVER Product Recovery System

Highest cleaning efficiency, saving CIP to protect our environment


Highest cleaning efficiency, saving CIP to protect our environment

Schneider Weisse G. Schneider & Sohn GmbH

GEA VARIVENT® | Schneider Weisse - consistent hygienic plant concept

Master brewer Hans-Peter Drexler and his team are pioneers in perfecting a modern hygienic system concept with GEA VARIVENT® for the traditional Schneider Weisse wheat beer.

GEA equips cosmetics plant in Thailand with efficient process technology

GEA equips cosmetics plant in Thailand with efficient process technology

GEA delivers the process technology for the plant expansion of a leading cosmetics company in Thailand. The Home and Personal Care experts will commission the entire process – from raw material to filling, including the required cleaning systems for pipelines and intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) in Bangkok by April 2019. GEA is also responsible for the automation – where the control requirements of the processes are implemented. GEA technology will significantly reduce overall product losses during production. The order value is in the high single-digit million Euro range.

Zentis Polska applica la versatile tecnologia delle valvole GEA VARIVENT®, trasformando la frutta in preparati e additivi innovativi

Zentis Polska applies versatile GEA VARIVENT® valve technology

When was the last time you picked your own fruit for breakfast? Chances are the delightful slush of berries in your favorite yogurt comes from the leading specialist Zentis Polska and has gone through sophisticated GEA valves in the process.

Bevande all'avena – il boom di un antico cereale

Bevande all'avena – il boom di un antico cereale

Ultimamente è difficile non accorgersi della quantità di bevande all'avena presenti sugli scaffali dei supermercati che stanno battendo record di vendita in tutto il mondo. Ciò non dovrebbe sorprendere dal momento che le alternative ai prodotti lattiero caseari realizzate con questo cereale di base presentano numerosi vantaggi. Aziende lattiero casearie e produttori di bevande affermati, così come startup "verdi", stanno ricorrendo a idee e tecnologie intelligenti per sfruttare le opportunità del mercato emergente.


See VARIVENT® in action

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