Boost efficiency and save time with remote operational support
GEA RemotePartner combines digital machine access and remote operational support to help you swiftly identify the root cause of any equipment issue and get instant assistance from GEA experts. The result: faster issue diagnostics and resolution, enhanced machine performance, greater efficiency and minimal downtime.
GEA RemotePartner is part of GEA Digital Products and Services, supporting you throughout the full life cycle of your equipment to provide lasting business success. A cloud-based solution, it helps you connect directly with GEA experts, by phone and video, to get quick and effective remote support.
GEA RemotePartner, together with InsightPartner, is also offered as part of the Service Agreements program for GEA food processing and packaging equipment.
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GEA RemotePartner is available as part of the Service Agreements program for GEA food processing and packaging equipment.
Would you like to learn more? Download the brochure below or get in contact directly with GEA.
GEA CutMaster taglia, miscela ed emulsiona tantissimi tipi di insaccati, da quelli a grana grande a quelli a grana finissima. In via opzionale consente anche di cucinare o raffreddare i prodotti. Tutti i processi vengono eseguiti nel CutMaster ed è quindi un macchinario indipendente da attrezzature periferiche.
Questa confezionatrice verticale a movimento continuo crea sacchetti verticali richiudibili per il settore del retail e della ristorazione. Combina un funzionamento veloce e di alta qualità con la massima flessibilità e operatività. Oltre a produrre sacchetti D-ZIP di alta qualità, questa macchina facile da usare può fabbricare più di 10 diverse ...
La termoformatrice GEA PowerPak PLUS assicura il massimo controllo dei processi di formatura, riempimento e sigillatura per una migliore qualità della confezione, una maggiore capacità produttiva, un accesso semplice e una gestione più facile per gli utenti. La sua robusta costruzione assicura una migliore igiene e riduce i costi operativi con un...
GEA MaxiFormer, with patented forming technology, is the most efficient forming solution on the market for high-quality formed poultry, pork and meat replacement products, providing the highest output.
L'innovativo processo di GEA segna una svolta fondamentale nel pretrattamento dei biocombustibili, come l'olio vegetale idrotrattato e il carburante sostenibile per l'aviazione. L'eliminazione del processo di sbiancamento offre ai produttori un notevole potenziale di risparmio: oltre il 50% in meno di costi operativi e fino al 12% in meno di emissioni di CO2.
Il cambiamento climatico e la crescita della popolazione mondiale mettono sotto pressione l'industria alimentare, che consuma molta energia, per nutrire più persone senza impattare ulteriormente sul pianeta. George Shepherd, Global Technical Sustainability Manager di GEA, spiega come GEA utilizzi il proprio know-how ingegneristico per aiutare le aziende di trasformazione a produrre in modo più sostenibile, aumentando al contempo la produttività.
Eye-catching and appetizing - forming adds appeal and character to your food products. Mouth-watering burgers, meat replacement products, fresh fillets and trendy whole muscle foods – neither of these products would come to life without forming. GEA forming machines give you a competitive edge to improve variety, capacity and yield.
You can choose from an extensive range of food forming plates that complement your forming machine. If you need to stand out even more, we can help you create customized three-dimensional forms. Whatever the ingredients, recipe or product size, a GEA solution can provide a huge variety of shapes and forms.
The original GEA FormPlates make every gram of your product count. Nothing beats quality when it comes to minimizing give-away and optimizing the shape, quality and portion weight of your formed products. GEA food forming plates are precision matched to the tolerance and design of your forming machine. A 100 mm burger will be exactly 100 mm, and the shape and quality will be as you expect it to be: perfect. Genuine GEA FormPlates boost yield and contribute to your profitability by virtually eliminating smearing.
GEA FormPlates are available in five different materials, ranging from cost effective PE (in white or blue) for short runs and shape tests, to the durable PremiumForm for extreme forming quality and very long production runs. Together we can find the best choice to fit your application needs, production requirements or budget.
GEA takes the lead in food forming technology to meet any customer's need. GEA formers portfolio is designed to offer food processors Variety, capacity, yield, versatility, hygiene, sustainability and above all, product quality. Whether you want to improve your forming equipment with GEA Knockout E-series or original GEA FormPlates, GEA service organization and team of application specialists can support you all the way.
Technology Center Bakel
La formatura secondo GEA
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