Homogenizing Peripheral Devices

SLRV-PO Over Pressure Safety Valve

The aim of the overpressure safety valve, available as standard, is to prevent pressure peaks and malfunctioning working machine with consequent more durable critical components lifetime.

The SLRV-PO over pressure safety valve is a spring loaded overpressure valve with an integrated pneumatic actuator and it can be activated by remote-control. Thus this safety valve permits to manage its opening during the CIP cycles.

How it works

SLRV-PO Over Pressure Safety Valve Portrait

During normal homogenizer operations the pneumatic overpressure relief valve works as a standard spring loaded relief valve: it is closed and it opens when product side pressure is higher than calibration pressure.

Possible working conditions are:

  1. Normal working condition. The product side pressure is lower than safety valve calibration pressure: the safety valve remains in closed position.
  2. Overpressure condition. The product side pressure is higher than calibration pressure: the safety valve opens.
  3. CIP condition. The product side pressure is lower than safety valve calibration pressure: the safety valve is in closed position and it can be opened by removing air.

Main advantages

  • The spring loaded system allows immediate valve opening in case of overpressure
  • Valve calibration is precise and reliable
  • Auxiliary systems to control valve opening in case of overpressure are not needed
  • The design of the valve doesn’t compromise safety also in case of safety valve failure (valve opening at lower pressure in case of valve components failure)


In order to clean internal surfaces of the safety valve, during CIP it is possible to open the valve by supplying air to the pneumatic actuator. All parts connections in contact with the product have gaskets to avoid metal-to-metal surfaces contact and consequently to increase safety valve cleanability.

The pneumatic safety valve has been designed with same process connection used in standard safety valve, therefore it can be installed as retrofit without any machine modification.

Reimagine liquids

Reimmaginare i liquidi

It may surprise you how many products need homogenization in their manufacturing process to make them more compatible with your daily life. Stabilization and a longer shelf life have always been among the highest priorities in many different processing industries but, especially nowadays, as lifestyles continue to change rapidly, they are becoming more and more valued.


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