最新の技術、プロセスモジュールとライン、統合ソリューション、数十年にわたる経験を持ち、専門のグローバルチームを擁する GEA は、この成長著しい市場向けのプラントを設計、設置、サポートするため、顧客と協力しています。
地域ごとに味や製品タイプに違いがあるため、GEA は世界中のお客様に満足していただけるようなポジションを取っています。当社のグローバル植物性飲料チームは、お客様がどこにいても、お客様の用途が何であっても、当社の専門技術、イノベーション、および開発スキルが全てのお客様にいつでもご利用いただけるようにしています。GEA では、持続可能なソリューションを最も重要視しています。初期段階でプロセスソリューションを社内の冷却および加熱ソリューションに統合することで、エネルギー効率の最適化、運用コストの最小化、カーボンフットプリントの削減を実現したプラントを設計することができます。
原材料の取り扱いから無菌充填や包装まで、GEA は完全統合されたターンキーソリューションを提案します。一般的には、以下のプロセスの各ステップの製品モジュールが含まれます。
Non-alcoholic beverages
Plant-based beverages
The handling and processing of a variety of materials such as beans, nuts, grains and flour as well as additives later in the process is a key challenge. With GEA’s technologies and design capability, a refined process can be developed to achieve the necessary flexibility and high performance, while maintaining raw material quality.
Using experience, expertise, research and partnering, the overall extraction design is developed to suit the product or range of products to be manufactured. Designing the extraction line requires significant know-how around hydrolysis, enzymation and separation. In GEA, we have the combination of know-how, experience and technologies. With testing capabilities which enables the performing of trials from the grain or bean, to the final aseptic product, the process can be designed to fit exactly the customer’s desired recipe, flavour and quality.
Using the base product from the extraction process, the final plant-based drink can be formed if required by the recipe with additives or other components blended with it.
With solids content in a base or intermediate product there is potential to increase this further with freeze concentration, membrane technology, evaporation and spray drying.
Featuring H2O2- or PAA-based sterilization process for HDPE/PET containers, the blowing, filling & capping systems from GEA benefit of a fully aseptic, constantly monitored process implementation to ensure the safety of premium sensitive products.
Effective CIP solutions remove any leftover product from the plant, tank surfaces, heat exchangers, pumps, pipes, etc. Systems with SIP (Sterilize-in-Place) functionality for high microbiologic control can be integrated.
Advanced process control tools enable consistent, and robust process conditions with the highest efficiency levels and minimum energy consumption.
To ensure safe and sustainable production processes in the treatment of liquid products, GEA flow components offer a comprehensive range of valves for all hygienic classes, as well as hygienic pumps and cleaning technology. Their modular design allows to create future-proof process solutions for the most challenging production tasks.
GEA experts can integrate sustainable cooling & heating solutions with the whole beverage process in the best possible way, resulting in lower energy consumption, minimized operating costs, and reduced carbon footprint.
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Aseptic valves face exceptionally high demands within UltraClean and Aseptic processes. You can be assured that they all provide highest quality in terms of hygienic design and sustainability.
GEA Hilge offers a versatile range of centrifugal and positive displacement pumps for a wide variety of sensitive applications in the beverage, food and pharmaceutical industries.
GEA NiSoMate® is an in-line real-time quality monitoring system capable to measure the product quality of fluid and allows to adjust continuously the operating parameters to achieve the best required product quality at the lowest pressure possible, optimizing energy consumption.
コントロールトップ GEA T.VIS®M-20 は、大部分のアプリケーションポイントで必要とされる最新の制御機能全域を提供するとともに、自動バルブの試運転と効率的な機器管理の観点で追加の利点を提供します。
Filling the future: GEA Aseptic Filling Pilot Plant
GEA and THP: conquering challenges, celebrating success
GEA Aseptic Smart Doser