The reference in cutting & emulsifying


GEA のカッター (ボウルナイフ / ボウルカッター / サイレントカッター) は、混合、粒子低減、および乳化などのほとんどあらゆる準備作業に適した最も普遍的で柔軟な機器です。柔軟性があり、レシピを迅速に交換することができ、生産性も高いです。粗いたたき切りからきめ細かな乳化まで、原材料の均一な混合と共に実現できます。

GEA CutMaster Gen 3 | Knife head

A tradition of innovation in cutters

GEA is no newcomer to bowl cutting. Krämer+Grebe laid the foundation of today’s generation of GEA CutMasters over 80 years ago. Since then, we’ve developed the world’s first propeller cutter with a knife arm support from just one side. Then came the first vacuum bowl cutter and world’s first dual-knife cutter. We’ve also set cutting speed records on later machines. And so much more. Today’s GEA CutMaster Gen 3 comes with integrated AC technology. It has a new standardized user interface. Optional predictive and preventive maintenance systems are available too.

A selection of GEA CutMaster applications

The CutMaster is GEA’s standard bowl cutter. It’s perfect for a wide range of product applications. The vacuum sealed CutMaster V excludes air from food emulsion. This simulates protein extraction and reduces the risk of jelly deposits. The CutMaster DUO has 2 knife heads. It’s ideal for dry fermented sausages such as salami.

Meat applications

Such as bologna, mortadella, pate, vienna sausages, jagdwurst, salami, chorizo and bratwurst.

Plant-based & vegetarian applications

Such as plant-based fish nuggets, plant-based burger, falafel and plant-based sausage.

Other applications

Such as dumpling filling, soups & sauces, processed cheese and surimi.


100% vegetable burger with GEA ProMix and GEA CutMaster

GEA CutMaster - Preparation of Kabanos mix

GEA CutMaster Cooked Sausage Mix I Pate



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GEA Service:世界の生産ラインを支える生命線

世界の4分の1のスパゲッティのパッケージ、2分の1のビール、そして4分の1の加工乳がGEAの機械に依存しています。生産ラインに問題が発生した場合、GEA Serviceが問題の解決や、その未然防止にあたります。機械やプロセスに関する知識をデジタルツールやソリューションと組み合わせることで、GEAはお客様の生産性をさらに高め、より持続可能な生産を支援します。



BakelのGEA技術センター チームによる食品ソリューション





