Scepter® Stainless Steel Cross Flow Membranes

Stainless Steel Membrane

Rugged design, especially effective for demanding applications with extreme process conditions or feed streams with elevated particulate solids and/or high viscosity.

Scepter® stainless steel cross flow membranes are manufactured by Graver Technologies and are used primarily for demanding process conditions.

Stainless Steel Membrane

Stainless Steel Membrane

Stainless Steel Membrane

Scepter® stainless steel cross-flow membranes provide a highly durable filter medium for superior separations and consistent performance under extreme process conditions. Scepter's® cross-flow design and stainless steel construction make these membranes the most durable and dependable. Consequently, they can be used on a wide variety of tough process streams with a broad range of chemicals, pressures and temperatures.

Features include (but not limited to):

  • Microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) separations between 0.1 and 1.0 microns. Large diameter tubes and cross flow design enables viscous process feeds and complex mixtures of solutes and suspended solids to be processed.
  • Steel membrane is unaffected by most process fluids
  • Durable membranes and modules withstand high temperatures (up to 350 F° /177 C°) and operating pressures (up to 1000 psig / 70 bar)
  • Dependable all-stainless steel construction allows steam and chemical sanitization, and withstands aggressive caustic and acid cleaning agents
  • Gasket-free, all welded construction gives outstanding mechanical stability

Scepter® (stainless steel membranes) is a registered trademark owned and operated by Graver Technologies

GEA Filtration is a world leader in cross-flow membrane filtration, with reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and microfiltration as core technologies.

Stainless Steel Membrane

Stainless Steel Membrane



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