Designed to achieve optimal blending results, the ConsiGma® DB modules facilitate the testing of dosing and blending operations and can be integrated with any continuous up- or downstream process.
Depending on its configuration and the formulation, the system can achieve throughputs of 1 to 400 kg/h.
The Conductor 4.0 software ensures seamless control of the entire process and full reporting. Tracking of OOS and material genealogy can be integrated into the controls. Handshaking with up- or downstream equipment can also be offered.
ConsiGma® DB modules can be implemented in a wide variety of situations, including the following:
The modules are suitable for ethical, CDMO, generic, nutraceutical or CMO operations.
Read more about how GEA and its partners are implementing this technology to lead the way toward smaller, more flexible, continuous processing technologies that are transforming the future of pharmaceutical development and manufacturing.
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