FAQ — Często zadawane pytania

Często zadawane pytania

Frequently asked questions
Let's engineer the future together.


Let's engineer the future together.

GEA assists with the Global Mobility team in the international movement of employees across various GEA locations, whether for short-term or long-term secondments or intra company transfers within the company.

Let's engineer the future together.

Relocation assistance will be offered, but the specifics depend on local guidelines, the destination and/or role you are applying for. In an event of your application, you can ask the Talent Acquisition colleague during the first interview around further details, if required by you.

Let's engineer the future together.

Which visa category has to applied for depends on the specific countries involved and their local immigration requirements. After we receive your application, you can directly ask any questions re visa to our Talent Acquisition colleague during the first interview.

Proces aplikacji

Stanowiska dla młodych utalentowanych pracowników

Rozwój kariery

Wynagrodzenie i benefity

Relokacja oraz imigracja

Kontakt i wsparcie

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