
Dry Pasta

Our cutting-edge technology from GEA ensures the highest standards in dry pasta quality, including homogeneous color, uniform shape, and perfect consistency. Beyond production, we prioritize environmental sustainability, safety, and efficiency. Explore our pioneering research and complete range of dry pasta processing equipment.



Short-Cut Pasta


Long-Cut Pasta


Nest-Shaped Pasta


R&D Technology Center

gea dies and moulds

Dies and Moulds

GEA Dies and Moulds Department studies and develops systems that cover all the shaping process phases in pasta and snack processing lines, including shaping, cutting, cleaning and maintenance of the dies. GEA provides equipment such as extrusion moulds, cutting systems and die washing machines.



GEA experience and know-how in pasta production is reflected in the study of packaging solutions aimed at improving the appeal of the final product. Our in-depth expertise in each stage of the dry pasta production chain enables us to provide packaging solutions that fully meet product, logistics, communication and branding needs. Our packages stand out for protection, containment, communication, practicality and convenience, logistics and environmental sustainability, ensuring added value to your pasta production.


Storage and Handling

GEA offers complete systems or individual machines for conveying, dosing, cleaning, recycling and storage of flour, grains and short pasta. Our advanced technology, applied to design and production, makes it possible to optimize a sophisticated production chain, ensuring high quality standards. This results in extremely reliable plants with consistently high performance.


Get the GEA Dry Pasta Processing brochure.

Boost your dry pasta processing line with GEA's cutting-edge machinery designed to reach high standard of quality for you dry pasta products. Inside our brochure, you can find all the detailed specifications and performance metrics needed, guiding you towards optimal decision-making and enhanced productivity.

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Crafting pasta stories

Crafting Pasta Stories - Expertise and experience behind every project

Customer story: Pastificio Felicetti

GEA Insights

Pre2Fuel: Czas na czysty start!

Innowacyjne procesy GEA to kamień milowy w obszarze wstępnej obróbki biopaliw, takich jak hydrorafinowany olej roślinny czy zrównoważone paliwo lotnicze. Dzięki wyeliminowaniu procesu wybielania przed producentami materializują się spore oszczędności: ponad 50% niższe koszty operacyjne i do 12% niższe emisje CO2.

Kolejna era produkcji żywności z GEA NEXUS

Zmiany klimatyczne i rosnąca populacja na świecie wywierają coraz większą presję na energochłonny przemysł spożywczy, aby wyżywić więcej ludzi bez dalszego wpływu na planetę. George Shepherd, Globalny Kierownik ds. Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Technicznego w GEA, wyjaśnia, w jaki sposób GEA wykorzystuje swoje inżynieryjne know-how, aby pomagać przetwórcom produkować w sposób bardziej zrównoważony, a jednocześnie zwiększać wydajność.

Cows grazing in green pasture with wind turbines in background

Making milk production more sustainable for a growing world

The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.

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