GEA offers an extensive product portfolio of ammonia chillers for virtually any application for industrial refrigeration and air conditioning. Our chillers are available as piston compressor and as screw compressor units, designed for indoor and outdoor installation, and can be used both for cooling as well as heat pumps. Discover the GEA chiller system that optimally supports your production circuit – we will gladly assist you in finding the perfect solution.
Innovation meets sustainability: GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies has been one of the leading experts in creating technologically advanced heating and cooling systems to decarbonize industrial processes.
Our chillers are available both as turnkey units with compact footprints – such as the models in the GEA Blu chiller range – as well as tailored solutions in modular design. No matter which model you choose, each and every one of them is characterized by great reliability and optimal energy efficiency.
Our machines are used in different industries, for example for the following purposes:
As a global supplier, GEA’s chiller portfolio comprises chiller product versions to align with varying regulatory certification requirements as follows:
GEA CE-certified chillers.
GEA ASME/UL/CSA-certified chillers (primarily for the North American market).
The certification designation for each chiller is indicated in the “Products” section below.
Divided into four different model series (BluAstrum, BluGenium, BluAir as well as the new semi-hermetic BluX), every GEA chiller of the Blu family canfit even small and restricted machine rooms. Furthermore, all Blu chillers are available as a remote version without condenser. Based on ammonia (R717) as a refrigerant, all Blu chillers are a sustainable choice with an impressive global warming potential of zero as well as an ozone depletion potential of zero. Our GEA experts will be pleased to advise you regarding our 29 chiller models, their individual advantages as well as the options for tailoring their construction specifically to your company’s needs.
As a modern and flexible flagship of the GEA Blu products, the BluAstrum chiller is an especially slim and therefore extremely handy solution. Able to fit through every standard-sized door, the compact measurements do not in any way compromise its quality or efficiency. Easy transportation as well as low maintenance due to the latest screw compressor technology are a given and make this GEA chiller a smart and dynamic choice.
Thanks to its elaborate piston compressor technology, this series is especially energy efficient and impresses with a European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (ESEER) above 9 while under full load. The GEA BluGenium chiller comes in seven different model sizes and is the first choice if you value a production output that equally meets your demands regarding quantity as well as quality.
If you are looking for an outdoor application that is not only weatherproof but also works at a very low noise level, the six different GEA BluAir models are just right for you. The state-of-the-art air-cooled condensers are equipped with highly efficient fans to achieve a sound protection level of more than 20 dB(A) – therefore the GEA chiller can be used in a wide range of operation sites even without existing cooling water management.
As a global engineering company specialized in heating and refrigeration systems, we provide clients in over 50 countries across the world with innovative, future-proof solutions. Our equipment and process technology supports companies across all industries such as the food, dairy and beverage industry as well as the pharma, chemical and marine industry.
Since 1881 our main goal is to enhance and facilitate production processes while also contributing a huge part to the protection of our planet – thanks to our highly efficient products which are not dependent on fossil fuels and massively reduce resource consumption as well as energy input during production. At GEA, we also offer our clients commissioning as well as service support onsite – feel free to let us know how we may help you.
Optimize your production site and benefit from significantly higher efficiency levels: Contact our experts for professional advice and find the perfect GEA chiller for your industrial needs.
Wyświetlane elementy: 4 z 10
GEA wprowadziła innowację, która łączy w jednym produkcie wysokowydajne chłodzenie i ogrzewanie. Nowe urządzenie GEA Blu-Red Fusion to połączenie udanych chillerów GEA Blu (niski stopień) i pomp ciepła GEA Red (wysoki stopień).
Ta linia produktów umożliwia wykorzystanie technologii chillerów GEA Blu do zastosowań na zewnątrz.
GEA BluAstrum to ekonomiczne urządzenie należące do serii chillerów GEA Blu, skonstruowane bez żadnych kompromisów w zakresie koncepcji technologicznej.
Featuring a sleek design and requiring minimal maintenance, the GEA BluAstrum screw-compressor-based ammonia chiller delivers reliable performance and operational advantages.
ASME/UL/CSA certified.
Witaj w świecie prostoty z zestawami GEA Service do sprężarek tłokowych. Nasze zadanie jest jasne: sprawić, by Twoje doświadczenia związane z oryginalnymi częściami zamiennymi były bezproblemowe, a produkcja przebiegała płynniej niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej. „Odpręż się, użyj zestawu” to nie zwykły slogan, ale i obietnica, którą realizujemy.
Intuicyjny panel dotykowy do sterowania sprężarkami śrubowymi i tłokowymi. Zaawansowany a jednocześnie przystępny. Inteligenty a jednocześnie intuicyjny. Skomplikowany a jednocześnie prosty. Po prostu — GEA Omni.
Najwyższej klasy oleje do amoniakalnych systemów chłodniczych PR-OLEO® to wysoko rafinowane dwuetapowe hydrokrakowane smary opracowane specjalnie do zastosowania w amoniakalnych systemach chłodniczych ze sprężarkami tłokowymi i śrubowymi.
Rozsądne uzupełnienie systemu chłodzenia. Urządzenie do osuszania amoniaku pozwala usuwać wodę z układu chłodniczego oraz stanowi idealne uzupełnienie amoniakalnego systemu chłodzenia, obok filtrów i odpowietrzników.
Update your existing screw compressor packages
Zwiększa wydajność i poprawia działanie każdej amoniakalnej instalacji chłodniczej.
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
Zmiany klimatyczne i rosnąca populacja na świecie wywierają coraz większą presję na energochłonny przemysł spożywczy, aby wyżywić więcej ludzi bez dalszego wpływu na planetę. George Shepherd, Globalny Kierownik ds. Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Technicznego w GEA, wyjaśnia, w jaki sposób GEA wykorzystuje swoje inżynieryjne know-how, aby pomagać przetwórcom produkować w sposób bardziej zrównoważony, a jednocześnie zwiększać wydajność.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.