Reciprocating Compressors
Reciprocating compressors for industrial refrigeration set new standards. With a focus on maximum efficiency and reliability, GEA offers sustainability, low total cost of ownership and a future-proof solution.
With the GEA Grasso V reciprocating compressor series, GEA starts a completely new era for the industrial refrigeration market. This compressor represents the standard across many industrial applications, such as the food, dairy and beverage processing, storage and distribution, and data centers.
While developing the new Grasso reciprocating compressors, GEA engineers continually put themselves in the position of the end-user. Time and again, each component was assessed for the most important elements that contribute to a low TCO:
GEA Grasso compressors are designed and produced in Europe. They bring together more than 100 years of design experience with market leading research and technology. GEA reciprocating compressors are manufactured in 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. You are invited to visit and see the precision and quality of the GEA production process first-hand.
GEA has always invested in reciprocating technology with a clear vision for the future. The all new, 2nd Generation Grasso V reciprocating compressors follow this trend. They have all the key features of the previous Grasso V models, but better:
Models | Swept volume*
(m³/h) |
Number of cylinders |
Speed range (rpm/min) |
Type of drive |
Cooling capacity (kW)** |
-10/+35°C | +0/+40℃ | |||||
GEA Grasso V 300-2 | 290 | 4 | 500 – 1,500 | Direct/V-belt | 155 | 237 |
GEA Grasso V 450-2 | 435 | 6 | 500 – 1,500 | Direct/V-belt | 233 | 358 |
GEA Grasso V 600-2 | 580 | 8 | 500 – 1,500 | Direct/V-belt | 312 | 478 |
GEA Grasso V 700-2 | 637 | 4 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 363 | 543 |
GEA Grasso V 1100-2 | 955 | 6 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 550 | 822 |
GEA Grasso V 1400-2 | 1,274 | 8 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 734 | 1,096 |
GEA Grasso V 1800-2 | 1,593 | 10 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 917 | 1,372 |
Models | Swept volume*
(m³/h) |
Number of cylinders |
Speed range (rpm/min) |
Type of drive |
Cooling capacity (kW)** |
-35/+35°C | +40/+35℃ | |||||
GEA Grasso V 300T-2 | 218 | 3/1 | 500 – 1,500 | Direct/V-belt | 45 | 34 |
GEA Grasso V 450T-2 | 290 | 4/2 | 500 – 1,500 | Direct/V-belt | 67 | 52 |
GEA Grasso V 600T-2 | 435 | 6/2 | 500 – 1,500 | Direct/V-belt | 90 | 68 |
GEA Grasso V 700T-2 | 478 | 3/1 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 105 | 82 |
GEA Grasso V 1100T-2 | 637 | 4/2 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 151 | 117 |
GEA Grasso V 1400T-2 | 955 | 6/2 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 211 | 164 |
GEA Grasso V 1800T-2 | 1,114 | 7/3 | 500 – 1,200 | Direct/V-belt | 259 | 201 |
* Theoretical swept volume based on max. speed mentoined in the table
** Capacity based on package with 2K non-useful superheat & 0K subcooling (two-stage on open flash C interstage cooler)
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Os compressores industriais alternativos da GEA representam um custo total de propriedade (TCO) reduzido graças a um menor consumo de energia e máxima confiabilidade.
Um compressor alternativo de amônia de alta pressão tornando a bomba de calor NH₃ GEA RedGenium mais eficiente, o melhor da sua categoria.
Um executante comprovado se torna ainda melhor: Temperaturas mais altas, faixa de capacidades alargada, eficiências da mais alta categoria, maior sustentabilidade a custos totais mais baixos - a nova bomba de calor GEA RedGenium tem tudo isso.
Com um ESEER > 9, esses modelos exploram totalmente o potencial do conceito dos resfriadores GEA Blu.
O processo inovador da GEA representa um marco no pré-tratamento de biocombustíveis, como óleo vegetal hidrotratado e combustível de aviação sustentável. Eliminando o processo de clareamento, os fabricantes se beneficiam de um potencial de economia significativo: custos operacionais mais de 50% menores e até 12% menos emissões de CO2.
El cambio climático y el aumento de la población mundial ejercen una presión cada vez mayor sobre la industria alimentaria, que consume mucha energía, para alimentar a más personas sin afectar aún más al planeta. George Shepherd, Global Technical Sustainability Manager de GEA, explica cómo GEA utiliza sus conocimientos de ingeniería para ayudar a los procesadores a producir de forma más sostenible y, al mismo tiempo, aumentar la productividad.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.