Interview with Stefan Klebert

Strengthening partnerships and speeding progress towards sustainability

The Chief Executive Officer of GEA explains how the company’s new Add Better label can strengthen partnerships and accelerate progress towards sustainability targets.

Stefan Klebert

Why is GEA introducing the Add Better label?

Stefan Klebert: GEA is highly committed to improve the state of our planet and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Customers in food, beverage, pharmaceuticals, and other key sectors rely on our solutions. Every day, our purpose ‘Engineering for a better world’ drives us to develop solutions that use less energy, water, raw materials and produce less waste. And when we achieve significant progress along the way, this is important news. The Add Better label calls attention to the most significant advances we are making on this front. These are product upgrades that can significantly improve resource and operational efficiency for our customers and help all of us achieve our sustainability targets.

What’s in it for customers?

SK: First, they know what they’re getting. Add Better products have undergone a rigorous testing and review process that complies with ISO standards and is validated by TÜV. The data and results are all there for customers to view. We are committed to transparency and think this adds real value for customers – it empowers them to make smart investments in sustainability.

Most importantly, our customers are getting a better solution that will help them reduce their environmental footprint and meet their own sustainability targets. This is no longer just ‘nice to have’. With each passing day, sustainability becomes more of an imperative – for the health of the planet, and for the sustained success of companies everywhere.

Would you say GEA’s sustainability success depends on the success of your customers?

SK: Absolutely. Customers are our partners on the sustainability journey. And for me, the Add Better label both acknowledges and strengthens this partnership. We need to be pulling in the same direction as all of our stakeholders on sustainability. Working with TÜV Rheinland on Add Better is another great example. Our partnership with them was key to realizing a very robust, well-founded ecolabel that truly adds value for customers and sets an ecolabel standard within our industry. There’s no question that collaboration will accelerate progress towards a better world. It’s also why we leverage platforms such as the World Economic Forum – to promote climate action through increased collaboration among the companies leading the way in this critical endeavor. 

With each passing day, sustainability becomes more of an imperative – for the health of the planet, and for the sustained success of companies everywhere.

Stefan Klebert

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Nadine Sterley Chief Sustainability Officer

Interview with Dr. Nadine Sterley

GEA’s Chief Sustainability Officer talks about the process behind Add Better, the importance of robust sustainability data, and next steps for Add Better.

Susanne Jorre and Norbert Heidelmann

Interview with TÜV Rheinland

TÜV Rheinland’s Susanne Jorre and Norbert Heidelmann talk about the importance of credible green labels, the benefits of external validation, and what distinguishes GEA’s Add Better label from other Type II ecolabels.

Add Better

Add Better:

Empowering customers with resource-efficient solutions

The Add Better label promotes GEA sustainable solutions that are significantly more resource-efficient than their predecessors.
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