Наша любимая, тающая во рту выпечка: круассаны с начинкой и простые круассаны, эклеры и пончики. Бережное обращение с тестом в сочетании с правильным режимом выпекания и аккуратным введением начинок гарантируют идеальный внешний вид, оптимальную текстуру и вкуса каждого изделия.
Light and buttery croissants can be filled with jams and chocolate to making this popular favorite even more tasty. Soft and moist donuts, and cream-filled, chocolate-topped offer a wide range of colors and shapes.
The GEA Bakery equipments can process the delicate pastry, doughs and fillings will help to ensure perfectly processed products for everyone.
At GEA Bakery, we understand that the quality of your pastries depends not only on the ingredients but also on how they are handled throughout production. That’s why we’ve designed our filling machines to offer both precision and flexibility, ideal for delicate bakery products like donuts, croissants, and other pastries. Whether you're filling with rich jams, velvety creams, or luxurious chocolates, our side filling injectors and top filling injectors systems adapt seamlessly to each specific need, ensuring perfect distribution every time.
One of the standout features of our bakery filling machines is the no-product no-filling function. This feature automatically halts the filling process when there’s no product on the conveyor, preventing unnecessary filling waste and reducing energy consumption. Built to meet the demands of high-capacity production lines, our systems provide the flexibility to cater to your every requirement while maintaining the highest standards of quality.
To increase automation of a production line or plant, GEA Bakery offers a wide range of depanning systems designed to provide precision and flexibility in the handling of delicate pastries. Whether for transferring soft, intricate pastries or for overturning baking trays, our systems ensure smooth and reliable operations in every step of production. These versatile machines can be easily integrated into both new and existing production lines, offering an efficient solution for bakeries of all sizes.
We provide a variety bakery tunnel ovens, each designed to meet different production needs. From gas ovens to hybrid and electric ovens, our solutions offer the versatility of baking a wide range of products. With the modular oven technology, we can fine-tune configurations for any type of product. Plus, advanced 3D modeling and dynamic simulators ensure we deliver efficient, precise designs that maximize performance and minimize energy consumption across your entire baking process.
Ensure the reliability and efficiency of your equipment with GEA Health Check. This comprehensive service proactively identifies potential issues, optimizes machine performance, and extends equipment lifespan, helping you avoid unexpected downtime and costly repairs. With expert insights and tailored maintenance recommendations, GEA Health Check safeguards the continuity of your operations and enhances product quality.
Expert support
At the GEA Bakery Experience Centers (BEC) in Italy, our process and food technology experts work with customers to test and optimize existing and new recipes and production processes. A wide range of processing equipment and systems is available, including mixers, depositors, filling machines, ovens and packaging equipment. The BEC also test all machines that leave the factory, prior to delivery to our customers.
Отображение 4 из 4
GEA offers a family of depanning systems and robots that can either overturn trays or accurately pick and place pies and cakes using needles, suction cups or clamps. Installed as part of a complete plant or integrated into an existing processing line, our flexible machines will ensure that the quality of your products is never compromised.
Компания GEA предлагает всемирно известные наработки Comas в сфере технологий отсадочных машин для разработки ряда высокоточных объемных поршневых инъекторов различных конфигураций для введения начинки в торты, выпечку, а также багеты и другие виды хлеба.
Решения для охлаждения и без иневой заморозки для пекарен
Efficiency, hygiene, sustainability, safety and reliability are the key benefits of GEA thermoforming packaging systems. Besides the adaptable thermoforming packaging machines, GEA develops labeling, marking and automation equipment.
Другие приложения
Инновационный процесс компании GEA является важной вехой в предварительной очистке такого биотоплива, как гидроочищенное растительное масло и экологически чистое авиационное топливо. Благодаря отказу от процесса отбеливания производители получают значительную экономию через снижение эксплуатационных расходов более чем на 50% и сокращение выбросов CO2 на 12%.
Изменение климата и растущее население планеты оказывают повышенное давление на энергоемкую пищевую промышленность, чтобы накормить больше людей и при этом не нанести вред планете. Джордж Шеперд, менеджер по глобальной технической устойчивости компании GEA, объясняет, как компания GEA использует свои инженерные ноу-хау, чтобы помочь переработчикам производить продукцию более устойчиво и при этом повысить производительность.