Фрукты & овощи
GEA’s chilling and freezing systems for fruits and vegetables will ensure that the cooling chain remains efficient and uninterrupted. Our goal is to create hygienic, long-lasting and cost-effective solutions that save energy and have minimal environmental impact.
GEA’s portfolio of temperature, packaging and handling systems equipment and solutions for fruit and vegetables includes chillers, freezers for commercial and industrial settings, including supermarkets, distribution centers and transport vehicles. Our batch and continuous-process freeze-drying solutions are founded on decades of technological expertise and installation experience, and our extensive portfolio of piston compressor and screw compressor ammonia chillers spans systems that are suitable for any industrial refrigeration application. We can also provide valves and components for industrial refrigeration.
GEA supplies highly efficient, hygienic and reliable technologies for packaging fresh and frozen foods, including vacuum packs, formed and preformed trays. We represent a single solutions provider for a wide range of associated technologies, equipment and components for fresh fruit and vegetable handling and cooling. From heat pumps and compressors for commercial and industrial refrigeration, to tank cleaning equipment, machine control hardware and software, and process automation and MES systems, GEA’s goal is to offerefficient, and cost-effective solutions that are reliable, energy saving and environmentally sustainable.
Отображение 4 из 26
GEA NiSoMate® is an in-line real-time quality monitoring system capable to measure the product quality of fluid and allows to adjust continuously the operating parameters to achieve the best required product quality at the lowest pressure possible, optimizing energy consumption.
GEA's versatile range of R&D drying & particle processing equipment - for advanced powder processing within food and dairy products, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.
Туннельные морозильные аппараты и охлаждающие установки компании GEA: Современные технологии заморозки и охлаждения.
Безопасное техническое обслуживание и ввод в эксплуатацию
Охлаждение и нагрев для производства пищевых продуктов
SmartPacker SX400
Каждая четвертая упаковка спагетти, каждый второй литр пива и четверть всего переработанного молока в мире зависит от оборудования GEA. Когда производственные линии требуют внимания, GEA Service принимает меры по устранению проблем...
Предприятие GEA в г. Кошалин, Польша, является эталоном в производстве гигиенических насосов. Многоцелевой объект сочетает в себе десятилетия немецкого инженерного опыта с передовыми методами цифровизации и масштабируемыми решениями....