GEA also offers special nozzle separators to the palm oil industry in order to recover oil from sterilizer condensate. Waste water has not been processed in the past so this new process stage with our nozzle-type separator in a bypass increases the oil yield. Because of its specific design, the nozzle-type separator is able to recover the palm oil which is  contained in the sterilizer condensate. The recovered oil can be recycled back into the main process. This means less oil losses in the overall process. The volume of waste water is also considerably reduced

GEA nozzle-type separators feature high throughput capacities, a very robust design, low space requirement, a high degree of automation and (compared with decanters) lower investment costs.

Features & Benefits

  • Continuous operating mode
  • Automatic operation
  • Low manpower requirement
  • Low space requirement
  • High speed – high efficiency


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