The big advantage of the 2-phase separating decanter for olive and palm oil recovery is the enormous savings when it comes to dilution water.
GEA has also introduced this separation method to the palm oil industry as the so-called ecod decanter. Also for palm oil, this system combines extremely short process times and significant environmental compatibility with excellent product quality as well as a significant reduction in oil losses and fresh water requirement. Vertical clarifier and sludge tank are not necessary. In this way, the process time is considerably reduced, and the energy consumption is also lower. The amount of effluent is reduced to less than 25 % in relation to the volume of processed fruits. This is nearly half the quantity created in the conventional process.
In conventional processes, huge ponds are necessary in order to handle the effluent which is very organically contaminated. These ponds release large quantities of the greenhouse gas methane. Our ecod system considerably reduces the methane emission because the ponds are much smaller.
For the recovery of olive, palm and other vegetable crude oil the decanter is always the heart of the installation. 3-Phase decanters separate both, the olive pulp or the palm oil sludge into oil, water and solids.
Nozzle separators are used in the conventional process with vertical clarifiers in palm oil mills. GEA also offers special nozzle separators to the palm oil industry in order to recover oil from sterilizer condensate.
Even the best centrifuges cannot function optimally if they are not partnered with control systems of equal quality. For their range of separators and decanters, GEA offers standardized as well as tailor-made solutions for machine automation with many features to meet customer requirements.
Polishing separators from GEA ensure the required premium quality of olive, palm, avocado and many other recovered vegetable oils by removing all residues while handling the product with extreme care
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Благодаря всемирной сети из 17 авторизованных ремонтных мастерских наши сервисные специалисты всегда находятся в зоне вашей досягаемости и оказывают поддержку в обслуживании оборудования, его сопровождении и поставке запасных частей.
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Здоровые и спокойные коровы — основа для успешного и стабильного производства молока. Поэтому поддержание здоровья своих коров является основной задачей для каждого фермера-владельца молочной фермы. Комфорт коровы обеспечивается...
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История центрифуг GEA начинается в 1893 году, когда г-н Франц Рамесол (Franz Ramesohl) и г-н Франц Шмидт (Franz Schmidt) приступили к производству запатентованного ими механического молочного сепаратора, проложив путь к современным...