3-Phase decanters separate both, the olive pulp or the palm oil sludge into oil, water and solids.

This 3-Phase separation requires a comparably high amount of dilution water. In olive oil production GEA also offers 3-Phase decanters for treating the waste water from the olive oil recovery process. They reduce the volume of waste water and its COD value and the oil mill gains up to an additional 0.5 percent of oil relative to the quantity of olives processed. When it comes to the recovery of palm oil our 3-Phase decanters are used in the conventional as well as the crude oil process setups.

Features & Benefits

  • High speeds for maximum separation precision and even further improved throughput
  • Optimally set differential speed at all times
  • Full torque at all times, thus full performance at all times
  • Long service life and maximum availability
  • Easy operation and monitoring
  • High efficiency – rapid amortisation
  • Maximum product yield
  • GEA cetec technology for 1 – 2 percent additional yield in olive oil recovery


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