Solid Dosage

A wealth of expertise from powder to coated tablet

Solid dosage
Offering an unrivaled range of tableting technologies, GEA’s portfolio includes powder handling, granulating, drying, compression and coating equipment for both batch and continuous manufacturing applications, as well as a variety of solutions for contained processing

Because our products are designed and built with system integration in mind, no matter which type of oral solid dosage (OSD) form you need to produce, we can help you to select the optimal solution. 

By embracing digitalization, modularization, holistic product innovation and sustainability, we can supply both standard and custom-configured lines to suit specific projects. For example, fluid bed dryers and coaters can be combined with top- or bottom-drive high shear mixer/granulators, wet and dry milling facilities, product handling systems, binder and coating preparation units, filtration units and/or tablet presses. Furthermore, safety, containment, product flow and building requirements are fully incorporated for optimum process efficiency.

The Future of Pharmaceutical Production

With a stronger focus on efficiency, Industry 4.0 and the environment, the pharmaceutical industry is evolving. GEA is committed to transforming tomorrow with better processes and has enthusiastically embraced these themes. For example, when the industry embraced continuous manufacturing to improve efficiencies and product quality, GEA was already bringing process-ready technology to the market.

And when it comes to digitalization, we’ve been innovating for years and bringing new services to customers, such as our virtual reality (VR)-based training modules. Ongoing product innovation, making our equipment better for the user and the planet, ensures that when you invest in a GEA process line, you’re making the right choice.


GEA İçgörüleri

Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

Engineering innovation often takes the form of incremental gains. Once in a while, it takes a leap. Case in point: The washing machine. Launched in September 2022, two new GEA software solutions are upending convention and delivering...

GEA Servis: Dünyanın üretim hatlarının arkasındaki can damarı

Dünyadaki her dört spagetti paketinden biri, her iki litre biranın ikinci litresi ve tüm işlenmiş sütün dörtte biri GEA makinelerinden geçmektedir. Üretim hatları bakım gerektirdiğinde, sorunları çözmek veya sorunların ortaya...

Polonya’daki yeni pompa tesisi, hijyenik üretime şeklini yeniden veriyor

GEA’nın Koszalin/Polonya’daki tesisi, hijyenik pompa üretiminde bir mihenk taşı niteliğindedir. Çok-amaçlı tesis, onlarca yıllık Alman mühendislik tecrübesini gelişmiş dijitalleşme ve ölçeklenebilir çözümlerle birleştiriyor....

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