GEA Foundation

GEA launches new foundation, joins forces with UNICEF

Cows grazing in green pasture with wind turbines in background

Making milk production more sustainable for a growing world

About GEA


GEA 是全球食品、饮料和制药等行业最大的系统供应商之一。我们的产品组合包括机械和设备以及先进的工艺技术、组件和全面的服务。在强烈的目标感指引下,我们超过 18,000 名敬业的员工致力于提高全球生产工艺的可持续性和效率。
Annual report 2024

Annual Report 2024


Engineering for a better world

我们设计可持续的解决方案,以建设更美好的世界并支持客户的可持续发展目标。我们在自己的营业场所和采购中推行最高的环境和社会标准。我们的目标是成为工程行业最具吸引力的雇主,提供更多样化、平等的机会和融合度,并提供长期的职业发展前景。为了使这些目标具体化,我们已将可衡量的 ESG 目标定义为 GEA Mission 26 战略的一部分。


您是否充满好奇心、非常积极并且热爱为客户解决难题?GEA 正在寻找充满热情的人来担任非常多样化的职位。
Ecovadis sustainability rating

Platinum Status: EcoVadis rating places GEA in top one percent of evaluated companies

GEA, a global leader in plant and mechanical engineering, has received the highest accolade, the Platinum Status, in the renowned EcoVadis sustainability assessment. With its score, GEA now ranks among the top one percent worldwide of assessed companies in 2024.

GEA Group AG

Top Employers 2025: GEA reinforces position as one of Europe’s leading employers

GEA again ranks among the best employers in Europe. The company has been awarded the 2025 Top Employer seal in six countries, emerging from the HR audit conducted by the independent Top Employers Institute with an above-average score.

In the run-up to the charity gala, reporter Toni paid a visit to Henning Lefert's dairy farm in Ahaus, Germany, for the symbolic handing over GEA’s 300,000 euro check to BILD hilft e.V. "Ein Herz für Kinder." Here she was able to see how milk is produced with the help of state-of-the-art GEA technology, like robotic milking machines. Source: GEA

GEA supports "Ein Herz für Kinder" again with EUR 300,000 donation

GEA once again demonstrates its strong commitment to social responsibility by donating EUR 300,000 to the non-profit organization BILD hilft e.V. annual (“Ein Herz für Kinder” (A Heart for Children) charity gala.

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