New food

Meeting consumer demand for nutritious, sustainable and ethical food

The emerging ‘new foods’ sector is creating alternatives to traditional agriculture that can produce environmentally more sustainable, healthy, safe and affordable sources of nutrition for billions of people around the world. Potential types of new foods include insect-derived proteins, plant-based meat alternatives, cultivated meats, and cell-derived enzymes, proteins, fats and other nutrients and functional molecules.

New food - people enjoying a meal

A global focus on safe, secure nutrition for all

At its foundation, new food embraces the basic principle and goal of feeding more people using fewer resources. One key focus is on reducing reliance on livestock-based agriculture, reducing waste, and reducing other stresses on the environment by harnessing new sources and production methods for generating plant-based dairy alternatives, alongside proteins, protein-rich foods, and other key nutrients.

Here are some examples of 'new food' types:


Behind the scenes of release event of GEA New Food report

GEA Enhanced Forward Flow Flush animation

GEA Homogenization technology and applications

GEA 洞察

GEA 的水资源守护者

在全球水资源安全运动中,GEA 的节水和水处理解决方案正在推动减少用水、浪费和污染的行动 – 一家工厂、一个农场和一座城市逐步推进。


GEA 的创新工艺在生物燃料(如加氢植物油和可持续航空燃料)预处理领域树立了新的里程碑。通过消除漂白工艺,制造商可获得显著的节约潜力:运营成本降低超过 50%,二氧化碳排放量减少高达 12%。

GEA NEXUS 的下一個食品生產時代

氣候變遷和全球人口成長對能源密集的食品產業造成越來越大的壓力,要在不傷害地球的前提下餵飽更多的人,GEA 全球永續發展技術經理 George Shepherd 解釋 GEA 如何運用其工程技術知識,協助加工商在提高生產力的同時,進行更永續的生產。


Plant-based proteins

Make plant proteins your business


Report: New Food Frontiers

At GEA, we’re helping the world realize the promise of alternative proteins.

Figure 2: The new technology center will be used to evaluate processes for the production of new food on a transferable pilot scale as well as to test production using cell cultures and microbial fermentation in conjunction with upstream and downstream process steps. Image: GEA/Mike Henning

GEA 新食品移动测试中心

为了支持新兴细胞农业领域的创新,GEA 开发了一种高度灵活的模块化发酵器/生物反应器平台,称为“移动测试中心”。

GEA 将制造 Novozymes 新设备,为人类营养交钥匙工程生产替代产品。在不断增长的“新食品”市场中获得的这份订单是该公司历史上最大的订单之一。

GEA 赢得该公司历史上最大的“新食品”订单之一

生物技术客户 Novozymes 选择 GEA 技术用于美国内布拉斯加州的新功能性蛋白设备。

Aker BioMarine 将通过其新的中试设备生产 INVI,这是一种可持续来源的磷虾蛋白水解物,最近被归类为食品安全。图片:Aker BioMarine

GEA 将制造世界上第一台生产磷虾蛋白的中试设备

GEA 将代表 Aker BioMarine 设计并交付世界上第一台水解磷虾蛋白中试设备。









GEA 一直在与一家澳大利亚初创企业合作,探索可持续蛋白作为动物饲料的潜力。

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