New food

Meeting consumer demand for nutritious, sustainable and ethical food

The emerging ‘new foods’ sector is creating alternatives to traditional agriculture that can produce environmentally more sustainable, healthy, safe and affordable sources of nutrition for billions of people around the world. Potential types of new foods include insect-derived proteins, plant-based meat alternatives, cultivated meats, and cell-derived enzymes, proteins, fats and other nutrients and functional molecules.

New food - people enjoying a meal

A global focus on safe, secure nutrition for all

At its foundation, new food embraces the basic principle and goal of feeding more people using fewer resources. One key focus is on reducing reliance on livestock-based agriculture, reducing waste, and reducing other stresses on the environment by harnessing new sources and production methods for generating plant-based dairy alternatives, alongside proteins, protein-rich foods, and other key nutrients.

Here are some examples of 'new food' types:

GEA expertise for the new food industry

Our customers in the alternative-protein space benefit from GEA’s expertise in just about every type of food and beverage process, from dairy to brewery. We also have parallel knowhow and experience in the pharma processing sector, which we can leverage alongside our broad fermentation and engineering expertise to support developments in the rapidly expanding field of precision fermentation and recombinant proteins. 

Dedicated test centers of excellence

At the dedicated GEA New Food Application and Technology Center of Excellence (ATC), and other GEA technology test centers around the world our expertise can assist with process design and configuration, and scale up. We’ll sit down with you and take the time to understand your project and goals, and then work with you to create and test equipment, systems and potentially complete process lines for products as diverse as insect proteins, cell-based milk or recombinant enzymes.

Our expertise in fermentation extends beyond just physical bioreactors and equipment. We use the latest computational fluid dynamics-based digital tools and to help understand and predict cell behavior and yield under different bioreactor conditions, and provide engineering expertise for scale-up. We can help you optimize your process with a view to generating industrial processes for generating exciting, healthy and tasty new foods that can be accessible to populations around the world. 

A focus on energy- and resource-efficient processes

Here at GEA we’re striving to develop components, systems and digital tools that can help our customers reduce energy and resource use, recycle, and reduce waste and carbon footprint. So we’ll always suggest options and upgrades that could help you to achieve your own sustainability goals, and secure reliable, robust and high quality processing, 24/7. 

Not sure where to start? Just contact us, and let’s get talking. 



Behind the scenes of release event of GEA New Food report

GEA Enhanced Forward Flow Flush animation

GEA Homogenization technology and applications

GEA 洞察

Filtration sensation: The washing machine principle

Engineering innovation often takes the form of incremental gains. Once in a while, it takes a leap. Case in point: The washing machine. Launched in September 2022, two new GEA software solutions are upending convention and delivering...

GEA 服务:全球生产线背后的生命线

全球四分之一的意大利面条、每二升啤酒和四分之一的加工牛奶都依赖于 GEA 机械。当生产线需要关注时,GEA 服务团队会介入解决问题或从一开始就防止问题发生。通过将机器和工艺知识与数字工具和解决方案相结合,GEA 可以帮助客户提高生产力并更可持续地生产。


位于波兰科沙林的 GEA 设施树立了卫生泵生产的标杆。该多功能基地将数十年的德国工程专业知识与先进的数字化和可扩展解决方案相结合。这是满足食品、饮料和制药等行业日益增长的需求的大胆举措。



不断壮大的中产阶级加上预计到 2050 年将达到 100 亿的世界人口将大幅增加全球营养需求,尤其是肉类和其他富含蛋白的食品。然而,科学告诉我们,扩大现有农业生产能力必然会造成严重的环境和社会后果。 




  • 植物基:植物基食品、植物基饮料、植物基成分
  • 菌丝体基:真菌基食品和成分
  • 精确发酵:蛋白质(例如酶)、甜味剂、脂肪、微生物(例如酵母、细菌和微藻)、藻类食品和原料
  • 细胞培养:养殖肉类、养殖海鲜、细胞基牛奶 
  • 新型食品:昆虫基食品和原料、甲壳类原料(例如磷虾)



GEA – 新食品行业的推动者

GEA 支持初创企业、原料供应商和食品加工商开发、扩展并生产消费者正在寻找的营养新食品。

我们在替代蛋白领域的客户受益于 GEA 深厚的食品和饮料专业知识,以及我们的啤酒和制药技术,这在要求严苛且快速扩张的精确发酵领域尤为重要。 

GEA 测试中心使客户能够在我们经验丰富的食品科学家和技术人员的支持下测试工艺、机器、原料和配方。这些课程(包括机器培训)可在现场或远程进行,对于更快地将高质量产品推向市场非常重要。



无论您的项目是新建项目还是升级项目,让 GEA 工程师尽早参与进来至关重要,这样可确保您充分利用每一个可能的杠杆以提高工艺或设备的效率,从而降低运营成本。不知道从哪里开始?请联系我们,我们很乐意在整个过程中为您提供支持。


Plant-based proteins

Make plant proteins your business


Report: New Food Frontiers

At GEA, we’re helping the world realize the promise of alternative proteins.

We’re ready. Are you?
Figure 2: The new technology center will be used to evaluate processes for the production of new food on a transferable pilot scale as well as to test production using cell cultures and microbial fermentation in conjunction with upstream and downstream process steps. Image: GEA/Mike Henning

GEA 新食品移动测试中心

为了支持新兴细胞农业领域的创新,GEA 开发了一种高度灵活的模块化发酵器/生物反应器平台,称为“移动测试中心”。

GEA 将制造 Novozymes 新设备,为人类营养交钥匙工程生产替代产品。在不断增长的“新食品”市场中获得的这份订单是该公司历史上最大的订单之一。

GEA 赢得该公司历史上最大的“新食品”订单之一

生物技术客户 Novozymes 选择 GEA 技术用于美国内布拉斯加州的新功能性蛋白设备。

Aker BioMarine 将通过其新的中试设备生产 INVI,这是一种可持续来源的磷虾蛋白水解物,最近被归类为食品安全。图片:Aker BioMarine

GEA 将制造世界上第一台生产磷虾蛋白的中试设备

GEA 将代表 Aker BioMarine 设计并交付世界上第一台水解磷虾蛋白中试设备。









GEA 一直在与一家澳大利亚初创企业合作,探索可持续蛋白作为动物饲料的潜力。

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