GEA系统符合国际质量和卫生标准,经专门设计,旨在易于安装和维护,有助于降低运营成本和停机时间。 我们的智能技术可以帮助您减少用水、能源和原材料的使用,最大程度地减少浪费和排放,并改善环境足迹,从而实现更绿色的未来。
但是我们不仅提供设备,还负责规划、建造和安装,因此您的项目将按时完成,并且没有任何不可预见的费用。 为什么不与GEA讨论我们的卓越中心以及我们的服务和维护选项,它们可以帮助您决定选择合适的技术,并在设备的整个使用寿命内保持最佳运行。
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Ancillary equipment for centrifuges contributes to more sustainable production by making utilities reusable, saving energy and increasing the overall process efficiency.
GEA 创新的 CIP 理念可满足全方位的高标准要求。我们的专家可确保产品在每个工艺点的安全。我们的每一次升级都基于当地的情况和客户的具体要求,可为客户实现显著地成本节约。
Consumers' increased attention to health and sustainability has led to the development of more and more premium products for people to discover and enjoy. Such products require high levels of hygiene and safety during filling and gentle handling to avoid unnecessary stress on the beverages, especially those containing cereals or fruit pieces.
GEA Codex® 过程控制是一个开放式框架,结合了HMI设计的既定标准,包括用于 Siemens、Rockwell 和 Wonderware 等市场领先平台的警报、分布式工程以及灵活控制模块
From mixing and filtration to filling and packaging applications, our highly trained experts can assist and expedite the development of innovative new products or optimize the production of existing ones. From lab- to pilot-scale and beyond, including skid-mounted and plug & play options, we can perform comparative process studies, facilitate customer trials, help with application development and conduct product- or customer-specific tests.
Dedicated to working with customers to overcome their processing challenges, our expertise includes mixing (Denmark, Germany), filling and packaging (Italy), homogenization (Italy), freeze concentration (Netherlands), thermal treatment, separation, compressors for industrial and commercial refrigeration, distillation, fermentation, evaporation (Germany) and filtration (Germany, US). We can also provide mobile test units for on-site use and have a long-established history of dealing with blending and brewing issues.
We can help you to build quality into your processes, adjust key parameters to drive your critical quality attributes to the required target levels and bring new products to market in a quick and efficient way. Our skillset includes collaborating with customers to design, tailor and optimize solutions to meet specific processing requirements and/or test new concepts.
From new product and feasibility trials to scale-up studies, training programs and process support, we believe that our services greatly benefit anyone involved in industrial R&D, equipment selection, process optimization and product development.
A trusted supplier of equipment to the beverage industry, GEA offers manufacturers all over the world the opportunity to enter into a profitable partnership to develop both products and processes. We combine advanced in-house technology with a thorough understanding of the industry to help customers maximize their development results. Your needs are critical and individual; our worldwide beverage test centers have been designed to meet those needs.
GEA 技术在帮助 esarom 扩大其产品组合和业务以及拓展国际市场方面发挥了关键作用。通过合作,我们专注于配置设备和自动化,以帮助提高产品质量、工艺效率和生产力,同时减少环境影响并支持更环保、更可持续的制造业。
Exactly 23 years after the Andechs Monastery Brewery launched its pale wheat beer and just in time for St Joseph’s Day (19 March), the Benedictine monks of St Boniface in Munich and Andechs, who own the brewery, premiered a non-alcoholic version
A day of celebration: 150 years brewing systems at GEA
Ammonia: The application
Ariete Homogenizer 5400 - the highest performance homogenizer in the world