Automation knowledge-sharing platform

GEA Codex® Academy

The GEA Codex® Academy is the knowledge-sharing platform for Codex, our scalable automation solution that’s based on the most frequently used systems in the industry (Siemens, Rockwell, AVEVA and Ignition).

With the GEA Codex® Academy, your employees have access to a wide range of educational courses that enable them to optimize their day-to-day work responsibilities in terms of operation, instrumentation, PLC, SCADA and reporting. 

Key benefits include the ability to

  • Develop and retain in-house automation knowledge 
  • Reduce training times for process control systems
  • Support job performance and efficiency by providing a customized learning tool for plant staff maintenance, supervisors and operators 
  • Improve synergies between different teams 
  • Provide an intuitive and practical environment to improve the learning experience.

Beyond automation knowledge

By accessing the learning platform, you will receive helpful insights about plant visualization and control that further support your operator’s dashboard navigation workflow and learning path. You will acquire the know-how to build and read reports with the information that your supervisors and maintenance staff need to meet their daily work goals.

Courses offered in the Codex Academy match the specific automation requirements of your organization and/or production plant. And, once a course is completed, participants receive a certificate that will further support their growth and development.

Plus, given that every plant has different expectations and needs, our experienced instructors are available to provide customized face-to-face training on request.  


GEA 洞察

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