信息和运营技术 (IT/OT) 的融合正在创造一个充满无数机遇和挑战的新世界。随着生产设施的互联程度越来越高,它们也更容易受到网络攻击和其他风险的影响。在这个日益数字化的环境中,复杂且可能易受攻击的工业控制系统受到了更多的关注。
跟上数字化转型并保护您的系统基础设施至关重要。GEA 可以为您提供解决方案,显示您的工业控制系统需要保护的环节以及您应该考虑采取哪些措施。它采用有关工业自动化和控制系统安全性的国际标准 IEC-62443 作为框架。
此解决方案是一项包含五个阶段的深入分析,并且将每年重复一次,以维护 ICS 的完整性。
通过GEA Codex® 远程支持,您可以与GEA自动化工程师联系,以解决与设备控制系统有关的任何不可预见的情况,并迅速恢复生产。
GEA Codex® Academy is the knowledge-sharing platform for Codex, our scalable automation solution that’s based on the most frequently used systems in the industry (Siemens, Rockwell, AVEVA and Ignition).
GEA Codex® 过程控制是一个开放式框架,结合了HMI设计的既定标准,包括用于 Siemens、Rockwell 和 Wonderware 等市场领先平台的警报、分布式工程以及灵活控制模块
GEA Codex® Service solutions are designed to optimize your plant’s control system, including training, maintenance, support and security, ensuring maximum efficiency and productivity while minimizing downtime and reducing costs.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.