GEA 分离机用于植物油脂和动物油脂的脱胶、中和和脱蜡工序。
GEA offers an extensive portfolio of separators for the refining of edible oils, both from vegetable as well as animal origin. The disk-stack centrifuges are used for degumming, neutralization and dewaxing process stages and are ususally the heart of the process lines.
我们的油脂精炼分离机配备专有的GEA finetuner 微调器,它是向心泵和削液管的组合。 与传统向心泵相比,其特性在于大幅改善了效率因数。
这是将旋转动能转化为压力的比率。 作用是让粘性物料诸如来自超级脱胶工序的胶质可以毫无困难地排出。 微调器 finetuner 直径的调整可通过手轮手动完成或者通过控制单元的气动驱动器自动完成。
我们的油脂精炼分离机有多种不同的驱动方式:传统的涡轮蜗杆驱动型、通过平皮带将电机动能传递到转鼓立轴上的平皮带驱动型、将电机直接安装到立轴上的直连驱动型以及 GEA 研发的最新驱动技术:一体直连驱动型。 一体直连驱动将电机的能量直接传递给转鼓,并且电机被集成到分离机机壳内。
因此,我们的分离机安装空间需求减少多达 35% 并且运行时更安静。整个技术理念是简化并且减少零备件使用的种类和数量。转鼓和电机可作为单体同时拆卸,从而大幅减少用于维护的停机时间。. 我们的一体直连驱动理念是最大化分离机使用,以确保您的油脂加工满负荷运行。
GEA 研发的液封进料系统保护产品避免暴露而受到高剪切力的影响,高剪切力会破坏胶质和皂粒,从而使得分离更加困难。 尤其是在水洗和冬化工序中,这一特点可以避免物料乳化。 独创的蒸气密封(通过液体密封)系统可防止进料腔冒出的蒸汽进入下向心泵腔室中。 这在分离温度较高 (>90°) 时尤其有用。 此外,液体可通过一个单独的转鼓冲洗水通道输送到转鼓中。
GEA finetuner 微调器
Working principle of RSI separator with finetuner and integrated direct drive
Edible oil refining separator series RSI
In oil refining processes clarifying decanters are used for press oil clarification.
Even the best centrifuges cannot function optimally if they are not partnered with control systems of equal quality. For their range of separators and decanters, GEA offers standardized as well as tailor-made solutions for machine automation with many features to meet customer requirements.
Direct drive. Direct Impact. Separators with exchangeable direct drives.
GEA Pre2Fuel - The better HVO pretreatment
Let’s get connected – digital solutions for GEA centrifuges
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.