Using a decanter combines foots removal with partial degumming, in case of chemical refining the result of this combination of two process steps is often sufficient.
On top, GEA decanters are easy to operate and automate and they need only little space. Compared to filter systems they even save a lot of energy because they do not need pressurized air for cleaning. So if you are looking for a more cost-saving and sustainable solution, decanters are your first choice.
With their robust design our decanters can handle oil temperatures of up to 105° C. External gears separate product from drive room, oil lubrication of all bearings, special materials and high quality, wear-resistant material make our GEA ecoforce decanters especially suited for hot applications and continuous heavy duty.
GEA 分离机用于植物油脂和动物油脂的脱胶、中和和脱蜡工序。我们的分离机在这个行业的特殊应用包括镍催化剂去除、卵磷脂脱油、白土脱油、煎炸废弃油脂再精炼以及酯交换工艺(如:生物柴油生产)、环氧化油和单甘酯/双甘酯加工和其他油脂化学应用。
Even the best centrifuges cannot function optimally if they are not partnered with control systems of equal quality. For their range of separators and decanters, GEA offers standardized as well as tailor-made solutions for machine automation with many features to meet customer requirements.
Diameter of solids discharge in a decanter centrifuge
GEA Pre2Fuel - The better HVO pretreatment
GEA Varipond C