物料通过进料管进入卧螺离心机并通过分配器进入离心区。 螺旋输送器将固体输送到固体排放口。 液位可通过安装不同内径的调节环来调整。 两种液体的分离在分离区进行,其中较轻的相流向转鼓中心,较重的相流向转鼓壁。
对于液体的排放,三相分离卧螺离心机提供多种设计。 液体可通过重力排放或向心泵带压排放。
在三相分离卧螺离心机采用向心泵排放轻液相并通过重力排放重液相的情况下,轻液相流过可更换的调节环离开离心区并在向心泵的压力下排出。 同时,重液相在重力作用下通过可更换的调节管排出。
三相分离卧螺离心机另一种设计是采用向心泵排放重液相并通过重力排放轻液相。 具体选用何种设计取决于要分离的产品和客户的安装规划。
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For the recovery of animal oils, fats and proteins
For the recovery of fish oil, proteins and meal
For clear clarification, liquid separation and solids dewatering in chemical and mineral processing applications. The heavy or light liquid phase is discharged under pressure by use of a centripetal pump while the other liquid phase is discharged by drain tubes. CIP-compatability of the decanter can be assured.
Optimizes the entire number of process steps thanks to its maximized separation efficiency. The fleet comes in a hygienic design, is protected against corrosion and abrasion. Explosion-proof designs are also available.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.