GEA Varipond C

Come into the comfort zone

For always top separation results you have to adjust your decanter settings to varying feed conditions, flow rates or even to different feedstocks.

With GEA Varipond C those adjustments are now so easy, fast and precise that your separation zone turns into a comfort zone.

GEA Varipond C - Come into the comfort zone

It has never been easier to make sure that your GEA decanter always runs on peak performance. Adjusting your decanter to changing feed conditions, a varying flow rate or even different feedstocks can be done instantly and directly at the running machine.

Thus, making sure you always have the best separation results is

  • Easy
  • Fast
  • Precise
  • And easily repeatable.

Because, with GEA Varipond C you can even program and save recipes in your control system to make your decanter run in the optimum operation mode, literally at the touch of a button.

This is how your separation zone becomes a true a comfort zone.

On top, GEA Varipond C is energy efficient due to less friction taking place at the centripetal pump, comes in hygienic design so it can be easily used in all beverage and food applications and is available for our entire decanter fleet for you to scale up your good experience with it.

And good news for all our beverage customers: you can even combine Varipond C with hydrohermetic sealing making sure your job will become much easier in future, even if you need a decanter system that prevents your product from oxygen pick-up.

Comfortable and easy

Easy, fast and precise adjustment of decanter settings, even recipes possible

Highest yields

Whatever product or product composition, always run the decanter at its operational optimum

Hydrohermetic sealing

Combination with hydrohermetic sealing possible

XDD - Less Energy

Energy efficient

Low friction at centripetal pump

Food grade

In accordance with hygienic design guidelines


Available for the entire decanter fleet – if you know one, you know them all


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