Discover the pioneering GEA ProFry, an advanced industrial fryer. With over 50 years of frying technology expertise, our latest edition features 30% enhanced oil flow, real time inline oil quality measurement (patent pending), and 15% increased capacity within a smaller footprint. The new SmartControl HMI offers simplified and personalized operation with insightful and easy to export data. Optimize your frying process and elevate your product quality and profitability of your flash fried and deep fried foods.
通过 ProFry 系列,GEA 引入了最新的在线工业油炸技术,旨在提高产品质量、提高盈利能力和先进的生产洞察力。该工业油炸机系列具有五年来的专业知识基础,可提高 30% 的油流量,并使用专利技术进行自动在线油品质量测量。这项新技术促进了油炸和快速油炸食品的优化油炸工艺。
GEA ProFry 是一款多功能油炸机,可将产能提高 15%,同时保持卓越的资源效率。它为您提供了所有必要的工具来保障您产品的盈利能力。创新、最先进的 SmartControl HMI 可满足用户偏好和特征,提供简化且个性化的操作员界面,以及轻松导出的生产数据,从而实现持续的流程优化和未来的审计跟踪。
油炸可以稳定裹粉,增强颜色和脆度,使快速油炸和油炸食品具有独特的口感。实现优质油炸产品取决于油品质量、温度和流量,所有这些都是关键因素。为了优化油炸工艺并准确预测未来的盈利能力,数据是关键。GEA ProFry 旨在帮助您控制所有这些参数并提升油炸工艺。
GEA ProFry 工业油炸机专为各种油炸和快速油炸应用精心设计,例如猪肉、家禽、海鲜、蔬菜和植物基产品。典型应用包括天妇罗裹粉炸鸡块、裹面包屑炸小牛肉片、裹粉炸鸡翅、家常炸嫩肉、裹粉炸鱼和裹粉炸洋葱圈。
GEA ProFry 具有增强型主动去除沉积物系统,采用频率驱动装置,可找到自适应去除沉降、悬浮和漂浮沉积物的最佳速度。位于油炸机 1/3 处的横向刮刀带,可最大限度地减少油中沉积物的保留时间。刮刀带沿着油炸机整个长度的底部运行,以去除出料处的残留沉积物。内置开槽筛网过滤器和新型专利漂浮沉积物去除解决方案可去除油炸机中漂浮的裹粉(表面)沉积物。
GEA SmartControl HMI(人机界面)
SmartControl HMI 为您提供简化、个性化的操作界面,还富有洞察力且易于导出的数据。新的 GEA SmartControl HMI 平台在 PC 上运行,可解开以前不可能实现的功能,并为当前以及历史工艺数据和事件提供前所未有的透明度。操作员可以通过 21.5 英寸多点触摸屏全面了解整个过程,以及进行必要的调整来使每个元素都保持最佳水平。警报系统会在任何数据点偏离限制时发出警报。这种工艺控制水平可确保生产力水平和产品质量保持完美和谐。
仔细检查油品质量越来越受到关注。零售商更加关注这些信息,而且油价上涨也推动了对油品质量进行更严格控制的需求,到目前为止,只能离线监测油品质量。GEA 开发了一种专利系统,我们可以在生产过程中在线实时测量和存储油品质量数据。
ProFry 热敏版本 | 长度 |
ProFry 650 | 5m - 6m - 7,5m - 9m - 11m |
ProFry 1050 | 6m - 7,5m - 9m - 11m |
ProFry 电动版本 | 长度 |
ProFry 650 | 5m - 6m (2024 年第三季度后提供) |
EasyFry 热敏版本 | 长度 |
EasyFry 450 | 4m |
EasyFry 电动版本 | 长度 |
EasyFry 450 | 4m |
EasyFry 650 | 4m - 5m - 6m(将于 2024 年第三季度被 ProFry 5m - 6m 取代) |
良好的过滤对于延长炸油的使用寿命、提高产品质量和减少浪费至关重要。GEA Oberlin 过滤机系列提供先进的高性能解决方案,非常适合 GEA 油炸机系列,并提供三种不同的容量。
GEA SmartControl HMI (Human-Machine Interface) is a newly developed user interface for food processing and packaging equipment, either stand-alone or connected in a line. GEA’s user-centric approach keeps focus on the individually operating users of the production facilities.
GEA RemotePartner combines digital machine access and remote support to help you swiftly identify the root cause of any equipment issue and get instant assistance from GEA experts. The result: faster issue diagnostics and resolution, enhanced machine performance, greater efficiency and minimal downtime.
By providing instant access to real-time equipment data, InsightPartner helps food processors manage their production better. Our cloud-based solution provides advanced analytics and comprehensive insights based on continuous data monitoring.
GEA RemotePartner combines digital machine access and remote support to help you swiftly identify the root cause of any equipment issue and get instant assistance from GEA experts. The result: faster issue diagnostics and resolution, enhanced machine performance, greater efficiency and minimal downtime.
By providing instant access to real-time equipment data, InsightPartner helps food processors manage their production better. Our cloud-based solution provides advanced analytics and comprehensive insights based on continuous data monitoring.
GEA's innovative process marks a milestone in the pretreatment of biofuels such as hydro-treated vegetable oil and sustainable aviation fuel. By eliminating the bleaching process, manufacturers benefit from significant savings potential: over 50% lower operating costs and up to 12% less CO2 emissions.
The world's population is growing and with it demand for milk. Dairy is an essential component of many global diets. However, its production can be resource-intensive and impact the environment. GEA’s Christian Müller, Senior Director Sustainability Farm Technologies, sheds light on how technological innovations powered by GEA make milk production more efficient and profitable.