
GEA DIMIX-C Mixer/Carbonator

The GEA carbonating system type DIMIX-C has been designed for high-precision continuous mixing and carbonation of soft drinks.


紧凑型 GEA DIMIX-C 在一个解决方案中包含三个模块。它们是:

GEA DIOX-2 水脱氧系统


首先进行真空喷雾脱氧,去除水中的大部分氧气。然后将预脱氧的水泵送到第二级,并在进入下一个喷板的途中与 CO2 混合。CO2 可以提高氧气的释放。CO2/空气混合物通过真空泵抽取,真空泵可以配备密封水冷却器以最大限度地减少水损失。 


水脱氧装置通过水管进行清洗,与其他装置相比,明显减少了需要进行 CIP 的次数。DIOX-2 可以根据需要与其他设备分开清洗。

GEA DICON® 在线混料系统

GEA DICON® 在线混料系统设计用于连续、准确地混合液态成分。流量使用高精度流量计测量,并使用带 i/p 定位器的阀门或速度控制的容积泵进行调节。

数字控制器可以监控并将混合产品时各成分的实际比例与要求的比例进行比较,然后启动控制装置调整混合,确保准确符合预设值。任何短期控制偏差都可以使用我们的 GEA DICON® 控制算法得到 100% 的补偿。



GEA DICAR-C 碳酸化系统设计用于对饮料进行连续、高精度的碳酸化。该系统包括一台文丘里 CO2 饱和器和适当的配件、碳酸化罐、分析装置,以及一台选配的冷却器。 

该系统可以在饮料中精细分布 CO2 气体,有助于确保快速饱和并实现预期的理想“气泡丰富”特性。


CO2 直接从压力罐供应,并采用恒定的超压来保证对饮料进行均匀的碳酸化。

该程序可以在连续操作中无损地使用 CO2。碳酸化的质量主要取决于产品温度、残留产品氧含量和温度产生的饱和压力,以及具体的产品特性。这些值的获取和监控都在预定限度内。

适用于高质量混合和碳酸化的 GEA 技术组合

紧凑、多功能的 DIMIX-C 组合了三个 GEA 模块,为您提供卓越的灵活性,使您能够生产优质产品,并有可能实现成本节约,以及减少 CO2 损失。

DIMIX-C 混合和碳酸化系统的特征

  • 高效的水脱氧 (≤0.05 mg O2/l) 提高更好的风味和更长的产品保质期 
  • 高精度 DICON® 在线混料技术有助于确保完美的混合结果
  • 自动灌注和关闭程序有助于提高准确性,以及优化原料利用率
  • 在搅拌过程采用了自动白利糖度补偿装置,用于控制转换源罐时最终糖浆/预搅拌白利糖度的差异
  • 可以将 DIOX-2 模块配置为分开的防搅拌系统,从而只需独立(很少)的 CIP,即可使用预混流作为 CIP 进料,实现高效、节省成本的 CIP
  • 系统可用于生产不起泡产品,或实现碳酸化产品的最高碳酸化值 
  • 由于是连续过程,因此碳酸化过程中不会损失 CO2
  • GEA 文丘里饱和器可以在产品中非常精细地分散 CO2
  • 智能功能实现了节水和 CIP 化学品节约
  • 配方管理系统
  • 可根据要求提供各种选项


Water deaeration system

Oxygen in beverages impairs product shelf life and taste, so carrying out deaeration of the beverage water has benefits that can result in higher quality products.

Vacuum spray deaeration is first carried out to remove most of the oxygen from the water. The pre-deaerated water is then pumped up to the second stage and mixed with CO2 on its way to the next spray plates. CO2 increases the release of oxygen. The CO2/air mixture is extracted by means of the vacuum pump, which can be equipped with a sealing water cooler to minimize water loss.

The discharge pump then supplies the deaerated water to the blending system.

The water deaerating unit is cleaned through the water pipe and requires less frequent CIP than the other units. The DIOX-2 can be cleaned separately from the rest of the equipment as required.



Continuous in-line blending system

The GEA DICON® in-line blending system is designed for the continuous, accurate blending of liquid components. The flow rates are measured using high-precision flow meters and are regulated using valves with i/p-positioners or by speed-controlled positive displacement pumps.

The digital controller monitors and compares the actual ratio of each component in the product mix with the required ratios and actuates the controlling device to adjust the mix and ensure that preset values are accurately met. Any short-term control deviations are compensated for 100% using our GEA DICON® control algorithms.

A mass flow meter can be configured to determine the brix measurement in the final syrup/premix pipe, and any final syrup/premix brix fluctuations can then automatically be compensated during blending process.

GEA DICAR-C Carbonation System


Carbonation system

The GEA DICAR-C carbonating system is designed for the continuous, high-accuracy carbonation of beverages. The system comprises a Venturi CO2 saturator and appropriate fittings, carbonating tank, analyzing unit, and, as an option, a cooler. 

The system achieves a fine distribution of CO2 gas in the beverage, which helps to ensure rapid saturation and achieves the ideal “fine-sparkling” property that is expected.

The flow velocity in the saturator must be kept in a range, so that the Venturi effect works sufficiently. 

CO2 is supplied straight from the pressure tank, the constant overpressure of which guarantees an even carbonation of the beverage.

This procedure enables a lossless use of CO2 in a continuous operation. The quality of the carbonation mainly depends on the product temperature, the residual product oxygen content and the saturating pressure resulting from the temperature and the specific product features. These values are acquired and monitored within the predetermined limits.



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GEA 服务:全球生产线背后的生命线

全球四分之一的意大利面条、每二升啤酒和四分之一的加工牛奶都依赖于 GEA 机械。当生产线需要关注时,GEA 服务团队会介入解决问题或从一开始就防止问题发生。通过将机器和工艺知识与数字工具和解决方案相结合,GEA 可以帮助客户提高生产力并更可持续地生产。


位于波兰科沙林的 GEA 设施树立了卫生泵生产的标杆。该多功能基地将数十年的德国工程专业知识与先进的数字化和可扩展解决方案相结合。这是满足食品、饮料和制药等行业日益增长的需求的大胆举措。

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