

The use of the GEA ECO-MATRIX® piping system enhances product quality and offers significant cost savings:

  • The vertical installation enables a well-balanced heat and mass transfer and thus provides both a homogenous distribution of substances and a uniform product temperature
  • Ensuring the optimum growth conditions for yeasts in the header prevents the cell autolysis that would cause a significant increase in pH
  • Enhanced product taste and increased foam stability by eliminating the other negative effects of yeast autolysis (such as proteinase A excretion)
  • The omission of horizontal tank outlets reduces the risk of insufficient cleaning and recontamination when linked to the tank’s cold CIP process
  • GEA ECO-MATRIX® double-seat valves are equipped with a lifting actuator that enables individual lifting of a single valve disk during cleaning of the pipe or the tank
  • The cleaning media passes the seal of the lifted valve disc, cleans the safety chamber and then flows through the leakage outlet into the periphery. This way, it is possible to clean all product-contact surfaces of the valve disk seals
  • A special rinse valve ensures complete draining of the safety chamber – no residual cleaning media or product can remain

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