GEA engineers drive gains in more sustainable production

“In addition to the carbon capture plant itself, our expertise also includes gas cleaning, heat recovery and re-use of captured CO2, which has allowed us to create an end-to-end CO2 emission reduction portfolio that is both fit for purpose and cost effective.”

Felix Ortloff

Senior Director, Carbon Capture Solutions, GEA

gea heat pump solution

Eine Wärmepumpe bringt Wärme aus der Umgebung – Wasser oder Prozessabwärme – von einem niedrigeren auf ein höheres Temperaturniveau. In Fernwärme- oder Produktionsanlagen integrierte Wärmepumpen sind eine wichtige Alternative zu Heiz- und Kühlsystemen auf Basis fossiler Brennstoffe. Bild: GEA

“Factories can recover energy from their production processes to supply the large majority of their heating needs and in some cases completely do away with fossil-fuel burning boilers.”

Isabel Osterroth

Senior Director, GEA Heating & Refrigeration Technologies, GEA

“We’ve developed a separator solution that reduces water cooling consumption by 99.9% compared to conventional cooling methods, resulting in savings of more than 1.3 million liters of water per year, per separator.”

Christian Becker

Product Manager, Separation & Flow Technologies, GEA

“The big idea is to decouple land use and food production. Precision fermentation and cellular food production both offer viable ways to do this and could potentially revolutionize our food system.”

Daniel Grenov

Product Manager for Bioreactors, Liquid & Powder Technologies, GEA

add better label

Das Add Better-Portfolio von GEA

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