Alternative proteins from insects

Small solutions for a big challenge

Producing affordable, safe and nutritious feed and food for a rapidly expanding world population is an ever-more critical challenge. Edible insects, or insect-derived protein in particular, could help to close the protein gap as well as food production cycles.

GEA expertise for insects processing includes everything from the raised insect to protein powder and even further to processed food.

Insects for future – a small solution to a big challenge
Food properties

In the majority of cases insect protein today is used for feed purposes, i.e. for aquacultures or piglet farms, but these small creatures are extremely versatile.

Sustainable food alternatives

Insects are not only impressive due to their nutrient density. The use of insects as an alternative type of protein is also environmentally sustainable.

From heating and grinding, protein extraction in decanters, subsequent evaporation and drying as well as polishing of the lipid phase, GEA offers all key technologies for insects processing.

From heating and grinding, protein extraction in decanters, subsequent evaporation and drying as well as polishing of the lipid phase, GEA offers all key technologies for the extraction of proteins and fats from insects.


GEA Insights

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