Optimize quality from the first step

Food Preparation Equipment

GEA’s grinding, mixing and bowl cutting machines prepare meat, poultry, fish and meat substitutes for further processing. Efficient treatment of these raw materials optimizes product quality and increases operational efficiency. The result: maximum value from the production line. GEA has broad experience in a wide range of applications. These include: emulsified and fermented sausages, ground meat, and formed products such as burgers and nuggets.

Alternative protein processing vegan burger

Long lasting experience in preparation equipment and food technology

Application portfolio for GEA preparation equipment with preparation products/mix for meat, fish, vegetarian & plant-based

Taking you forward

Your business needs are our starting points – from consistency, hygiene and safety to sustainability, variety, and cost of ownership. Our preparation machines deliver high yield, are easy to operate and easy to clean, and have a long operational life. When it comes to cutting, defrosting, mixing, and grinding, we provide the best equipment. 

GEA Technology Center Bakel Team Food Solutions

Food processing & packaging technology centers

Test before you invest!

Want to validate, experiment and innovate, without the risk of disturbing your day-to-day production? Our Technology Centers for Food Processing and Packaging are the place to go. What’s more – our doors are always open, even remotely!

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GEA Insights

GEA helps dairy cows avoid lameness with AI solution

GEA minimizes dairy cow lameness with AI solution

GEA CattleEye alerts dairy farmers when cows are lame, enabling them to address health issues quickly to ensures optimal cow health and milk yield.

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GEA solutions enable fiber-to-fiber recycling of textiles

Chemical recycling solutions from GEA allow mixed fiber textiles with PET to be recycled and made into new sustainable clothing.

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Advancing continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing

GEA and partners innovate flexible continuous processing technologies, transforming pharmaceutical development and manufacturing for a modernized future.

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