
Milking Components

Discover precision-engineered solutions designed to enhance efficiency and quality in dairy operations. Explore our innovative products that elevate your milking process. Step into the future of milking technology with GEA.
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GEA DigiTron Milking Control Units

DigiTron Milking Control Units

Cluster Positioning

Cluster & Positioning

Find the perfect fit for every udder type. Choose from the Classic cluster with clawpiece, the IQ cluster with udder-friendly four-way technology, or the ApolloIQ with in-liner dipping – approved by milk processors.

Control Units & Milk Meters

Make the right choice for a better milk production of your dairy farm. The modular GEA milking control technology evaluates your data for precision livestock farming to control your processes.

Vacuum Pumps

A low and stable vacuum at the proper level to the teat is very important! GEA advanced technology is designed for animal-friendly milking with high milking yield.

Stall Accessories

Boost milk production with GEA Stall Accessories. Improve milking comfort, streamline procedures, and ensure hygiene with our practical solutions. Design your ideal milking stall system today!

Selection Gates

The AutoSelect product family are our latest smart sorting systems. They enhance your herd management by efficiently sorting individual cows or groups with precision and ease.

Cow Driving System - CowMander

Cow Driver

Effortlessly streamline your milking process with the CowMander series. Designed to ensure a smooth and stress-free transition for your cows from the collecting yard to the milking parlour.

Bucket Milking

Efficient milking with a milking bucket

Bucket Milking

Conventional Milking - Dairy Farming

Conventional Milking

GEA offers reliable and efficient conventional milking systems for both small and large herds. Designed for consistent performance and high-quality yields, our systems provide a cost-effective way to enhance your dairy operation. With flexible configurations and easy maintenance, GEA’s solutions adapt to various barn layouts and ensure long-term durability. Upgrade your farm with GEA’s conventional milking technology for improved efficiency, reliability, and animal welfare. Choose GEA for proven success.

Liners and Shells

GEA Liner Overview

GEA offers a global rubber and silicone liner model portfolio, designed in collaboration with farmers worldwide over years. These liners are quality-controlled and certified, ensuring precise milking tailored to individual needs across generations.


Next Generation Farming

Experience GEA's commitment to next-generation farming. Engineered for sustainability and efficiency, we're pioneering solutions aligned with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. From intelligent automation to eco-friendly practices, join us in shaping a greener, more productive future for dairy farming.
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Dairy Farming Insights

GEA Dairy Farming Insights

Dairy Farming Insights podcast

Automatic Milking Navigation

Automatic Milking

Experience superior milk quality, increased productivity, and optimal efficiency with GEA's automated milking systems, designed for 24/7 operation. Choose from our state-of-the-art box systems or automatic milking carousels, trusted by dairy farms worldwide. Explore the GEA DairyRobot product line and revolutionize your dairy farm operations today!



Thanks to our strong global dealer network, we offer comprehensive services for dairy farms of all sizes. Our global DairyService portfolio supports you every day: in maximizing milk quality, enhancing parlor efficiency, optimizing cow health, reducing downtime and emergency calls, controlling costs and sustaining peak equipment performance.


GEA ProManure E2000

GEA ProManure offers you intelligent manure technology from manure removal systems in barns to distribution in fields or efficient exploitation, however our systems are also ready for more sustainable demands, such as manure recovering or processing as well as emissions reduction.



Get maximum care and udder health for maximum milk yields with GEA hygiene products. Our product range extends from udder hygiene, hoof care, bedding conditioners, equipment cleaning to farm hygiene. GEA specialists will be glad to assist you in customizing your products. This is the only way to ensure optimal animal health!


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